How to Paint Country Wood Secretaries
- 1). Prepare the desk for painting. If it has been painted already, remove the old paint with a scraper or paint remover. If the piece is in good shape, though, and the old paint isn't peeling or flaking, you can paint over the old paint without removing it.
- 2). Sand the secretary using a fine grit sandpaper; use a belt sander to speed up the process. Remove the dust with a slightly damp cloth.
- 3). Apply a coat of primer to the sanded secretary. Allow the primer to dry. Choose a primer designed for painting wood; your local paint retailer can help you find the ideal primer for your project.
- 4). Paint the secretary in your choice of color. Muted shades or green, red, yellow and blue are most common in country-style decorating, but a classic white, cream or ivory are also appropriate.
- 5). Distress the secretary to give it a weathered, time-worn appearance. Use a crackle medium, a clear, paintlike substance available at craft or paint retailers, over the fresh paint to give the secretary a weathered wood look. Lightly sand the edges of the secretary to further the rustic look.
- 6). Pair your freshly painted country-style secretary with a chair painted to match. Cover the chair seat with a coordinating gingham or floral print fabric.