Rich Dad Poor Dad - Book Review
In Robert Kiyosaki's book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, he clearly points out that anybody can become rich.
Nevertheless, he cautions that it's more difficult for the children of the poor and middle classes because they have been taught incorrect information.
For example, their parents have told them, "go to school and get good grades so you can go to college and get a steady job with good benefits.
"These people have been taught to think, "I can't afford it" instead of (as the rich do) asking, "How can I afford it?" There is absolutely nothing that you cannot afford.
When you honestly desire something you'll figure out how to obtain it.
One barrier that stands in the way of individuals accomplishing this goal is fear of failure.
You will fail sometimes but you have to turn it into a great opportunity by learning something from it and moving on.
There is not one rich person who has not failed, but, the trick is: when they fall down they immediately stand up again, learn from it, and their great desire to attain their goals only grows larger.
A great example of this principle is the Battle of the Alamo.
This was a complete failure for the Texans.
They lost many soldiers.
In spite of this, or rather, because they understood the secret of turning a failure into a success, they used the Alamo to stir up the Texans to victory.
Even today, more than 150 years later, Texans still talk about the Alamo with pride.
And they LOST!Successful people are not afraid of losing.
They understand that losing is a part of the process What we have to understand is that your life is going to be difficult, unstable, and full of failure whether we are rich or poor.
You cannot avoid that.
Might as well utilize the opportunities life throws at you and run with them.
Do not fight against these opportunities!You can be stable and poor/middle class or take a risk and become wealthy.
You make the choice.
So what do you do about it? How do you start?Start acquiring some income producing assets.
An income producing asset is: 1.
A business that does not require you to be there.
Stocks 3.
Mutual Funds 4.
Real estate 5.
Notes (IOU's) 6.
Royalties from music, scripts, patents, etc.
Anything else that has value, creates income, & has a market.
NOTE: Use of this article requires links to be intact.
Nevertheless, he cautions that it's more difficult for the children of the poor and middle classes because they have been taught incorrect information.
For example, their parents have told them, "go to school and get good grades so you can go to college and get a steady job with good benefits.
"These people have been taught to think, "I can't afford it" instead of (as the rich do) asking, "How can I afford it?" There is absolutely nothing that you cannot afford.
When you honestly desire something you'll figure out how to obtain it.
One barrier that stands in the way of individuals accomplishing this goal is fear of failure.
You will fail sometimes but you have to turn it into a great opportunity by learning something from it and moving on.
There is not one rich person who has not failed, but, the trick is: when they fall down they immediately stand up again, learn from it, and their great desire to attain their goals only grows larger.
A great example of this principle is the Battle of the Alamo.
This was a complete failure for the Texans.
They lost many soldiers.
In spite of this, or rather, because they understood the secret of turning a failure into a success, they used the Alamo to stir up the Texans to victory.
Even today, more than 150 years later, Texans still talk about the Alamo with pride.
And they LOST!Successful people are not afraid of losing.
They understand that losing is a part of the process What we have to understand is that your life is going to be difficult, unstable, and full of failure whether we are rich or poor.
You cannot avoid that.
Might as well utilize the opportunities life throws at you and run with them.
Do not fight against these opportunities!You can be stable and poor/middle class or take a risk and become wealthy.
You make the choice.
So what do you do about it? How do you start?Start acquiring some income producing assets.
An income producing asset is: 1.
A business that does not require you to be there.
Stocks 3.
Mutual Funds 4.
Real estate 5.
Notes (IOU's) 6.
Royalties from music, scripts, patents, etc.
Anything else that has value, creates income, & has a market.
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