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The Appeal By John Grisham - Book Review

Mister Grisham is back where he feels most comfortable with The Appeal, in the courtroom suing the rear end off a multinational corporation.
In this case, the naughty Krane Chemical Company who have been polluting the countryside for years with the equivalent of wholesale fly-tipping.
People get sick, people die.
Other people get annoyed.
They would, wouldn't they? Step in the lawyers and off we go.
The boss of Krane, Carl Trudeau and his trophy wife, strike me as interesting characters, not to mention Abused Imelda, I am saying no more on that one, you will have to read the book to find out, but rather puzzlingly they rarely appear again, which is a shame as I wanted to know more about them than some of the others.
In parts this book comes across as something of a true life exposé when in fact it is Mister G's 20th published work of fiction.
Perhaps that is the man's true genius; his creations always seem so lifelike, so believable.
I note that it has become something of a national sport to be deeply critical of John Grisham's books.
You will not find me in that van.
It is the easiest thing in the world to stand on the sidelines and throw sludge at others.
Perhaps there are more than a few green eyes on parade when it comes to his staggering sales statistics and that other awful phrase, "units shifted".
That's life I am afraid, a small penalty for being so hugely successful and I don't suppose he is unduly bothered.
The ending of the book particularly seems to have riled a few people, and perhaps it does come across as a trifle rushed, but may be, just may be, JG is leaving it fairly open ended with a view to Carl T and his weird cronies making a return visit, though somehow I doubt it.
Do I think The Appeal is one of John's best? No I don't, but neither is it one of his weakest, and not even Charles Dickens wrote his best stuff every time he sat down and scratched his head and sharpened his pencil.
Enjoy it for what it is.
I certainly did.
If you enjoy John Grisham's books you will definitely want to add this one to your collection.

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