Business & Finance Blogging

7 Ways to Check If Your Blog is in Right Direction

Now that you might have started blogging for quite some time it's important that you check whether you are into the right path leading towards success and money making.
I have seen many bloggers who started with high enthusiasm but over a period of time loses interest because they think that they are not getting anywhere but in reality there are in the right direction but it's just that they need to find out if they are doing the right things.
As I always say blogging requires a bit of patience and effort especially at the initial days but once you have established yourself the effort is relatively less.
Here are few of the points to ponder and check if you are into the track of success.
In case if you feel that some of the points isn't working for you then don't stop focus more on those areas and I am sure you will do great.
Ok, enough of me giving prophecy now let's go through each of these points and find out more.
Is your subscriber count growing? If you see that the number of people subscribing to your blog is growing, even if it's slow then you are making progress which is good news.
I say this because gaining trust and getting subscribers is not an easy task.
Please do not set yourself with expectations which are unrealistically high.
I suggest that you keep small expectations initially with regard to people subscribing your blog and you will more likely be able to feel good about your progress and stay consistent with your blogging.
Is there an increase in the numbers of Comments? Consider it as a good sign if your blog is receiving a considerable or decent amount of valuable comments (Not spams).
This shows that people love your posts and are reading them.
Again, it's equally important that you respond to their comments because that keeps you connected with your readers.
If you are a start up blogger I suggest you respond back to each comment separately.
Is there an increase in the number of visitors? Though this is not something I keep tracking always but there are many bloggers out there who are very much of a stats junkie.
Increase in traffic doesn't always represent your blogging goals, but it certainly isn't a bad thing either.
Don't worry because over time the stats will increase as more and more readers visit and subscribe to your blog.
Are you posting consistently on your blog? If you are then you're already one step ahead of the majority of bloggers.
It might sound very easy, but consistent posting is a huge challenge.
If you're able to post consistently, good things are likely to happen.
Is there an increase in the number of inbound links? Links are important for any blog.
They help with click-through traffic, search engine rankings (especially GOOGLE), and recognition.
For bloggers, incoming links are also representative of how well you are known and your number of links will grow as you start to become recognized blogger in the industry.
Are you building relation through network of bloggers? Building network is one of the most important aspects of blogging outside of content creation.
If you are continually meeting new bloggers and strengthening the relationships that you have made, you will drastically be in a better position for the future.
Building a network will help you to learn from others, gain valuable and loyal readers, increase inbound links, increase votes at social media sites, and much more.
Have you set a Goal for your blog? A goal can vary from one blogger to another but what you must have is a goal for your blog.
Usually lot of bloggers have long-term goals, like quitting a job and making a living with a blog, or getting 5000 subscribers.
Having long-term goals are good but what many bloggers lack is a short-term goal.
If you have just started blogging then it is advised that you have a short-term goal first which will help you to take the necessary steps towards achieving those long-term goals.
For example set monthly goals like how much subscribers, traffic or revenue and then when you are achieve these goals, don't give up because you are yet to get towards your long-term goals.
Celebrate your success in meeting your short-term goals and keep challenging yourself to achieve the next.
Finally I believe that if you give your blog some time and continue to work consistently, you will not be much far from success.
Here's to your blogging success.

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