Society & Culture & Entertainment History

The Cyclops

The Cyclops was a part of myths in many traditional communities all over the world.  Myths can be defined as creation about something that is usually not true. However myths are important in explaining what human humans don't understand. It has been argued that myths were used traditionally to referent to phenomenon in the environment which happened beyond human knowledge. However there has been increased scientific research to prove whether some of the myths found in traditional societies were actually true or not. Cyclopes were a part of Greek mythology and has been used extensively in Greek literature (Gill, 2008). However a review of myths from other regions in the world it will be found that Cyclopes were used in reference of powerful beings that had power over humans. It is probable that myths about Cyclops were developed in search of a human subject with power over humans. However Cyclops they were feared by human beings. In this paper we are going to review the myths on Cyclops and presents argument for possible existence of the Cyclops.

Defining Cyclops

In most myths, Cyclopes were used to refer to a member of primordial race who were exactly like humans but were defined as giants.  The distinguishing feature of these primordial races of giants was a single eye located in the middle of their foreheads. Cyclopes were also presented as strong, very stubborn, and very emotional beings.  In most mythologies, they are presented in relation to power and violence and in some case, they were said to eat humans. In most myths especially the Greek myths they have also been presented as blacksmiths although they other myths shows that they were associated with the normal society economic activities. (Sandels, 2008)

Cyclops in traditional myths

Cyclopes were profound in traditional Greek myths as has been evidenced in a number of literatures. One of Greek scholars, Homer, tells the story of his trials of Odysseus spinning throughout his 10 year trip returning home from Troy.  In this story, he tells of his encounter with Cyclops.  In his Odyssey, he portrays Cyclops as a band of one eyed man-eating giants (Baldwin, 2007). He further explains that they lived in one of the Island that he and his men had turned to looking for fresh supplies. They were capture by one of Cyclops and several of his men were eaten. However they made the Cyclops drunk and escaped.

It seems like there were two generation of Cyclops in Greek myths the other myths shows that they were sons of Gaia or the earth and Uranus or the sky.  The myths says that Cyclops were three brothers who later became blacksmiths of Olympian gods. Their names were Argos, Steropes, and Brontes.   Cyclops, Tinas and Hecatonchiers are named in the myth as children of Uranus and Gaia. Uranus is portrayed as harsh and was used to imprisoning his children. Cyclops was therefore one of the sons of Uranus and Gaia. Cyclopes is also portrayed as a skilled blacksmith.

Does Cyclops really exist?

There is a rising interest in the field of science to prove whether Cyclopes does really exist or not. Like in many myths it has been argued that Cyclopes were myths used to describe event in human environment which were beyond their knowledge.  Historical documentation of other events which have been proved to be true and the scientific exploration based on the theory of evolution has advanced some argument that it could have been actual true that Cyclops did really exist.  However it remains unclear whether Cyclopes really existed or was it just a myth to explain events in the environment which many people could not understand. (Schermer, 2006)

There is very little evidence that can prove that Cyclopes really existed. It is on the written Greek literature in Odysseus that really documents the existence of Cyclopes. The events have been very well documented in Homer such that they appear like they really happened during this Trip from Troy. Outside that literature, there is also limited written literature that can really prove the existence of Cyclopes.

However many myths around the world including the Italian myths and even some from African have characters in their stories  in which  depicts the existence one eyed monster though they are assigned different names. The difference in physical distant between Greek and other areas where tales with human monster characters may exclude any effect of Greek influences which possibly could prove the existence of the creatures. However even in those stories there is not written literature documented like in Greek literature which can refer to the existence of the creature.

We can look at the existence of these creatures in view of the theory of evolution.  Recent scientific researches have proved that some of the things which have been thought as myths are really true. For example, myths that Dinosaur could fly have been proved to be possible using the new imaging 3D technology which has shown that dinosaur could possibly be the descendants of the modern birds. Therefore it may be possible that there once creatures like these but could have become extinct due to the changes in the environment. It has also been argued that genetic mutation could also have led to the birth of a creature with only one eye.  This was more profound with the circulation of photos of a kitten which was born with only one eye.

However, most scientists have argued against the existence of such creatures showing that they could have been attributed to other creature in the environment. This means that Greeks could have attributed the existence of this creature to other animal or people. For example it has been shown Greek blacksmiths used to wear helmet with a light at the center. This may be one of the reason Cyclopes was associated with blacksmith.  This proposition is strengthened by the fact that others stories about one eyed monsters also associated theses creates with blacksmith.

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