Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

The Anti Bark Dog Collar - Top Picks

If your dog has a problem with barking and you have had about enough of it, it is time that you tried using an anti bark collar.
These collars have been around for years now but a lot of dog owners are just now finding out about them.
When your dog has a problem with barking you may try verbally training him at first.
Just as you would teach him to sit or stay you may be able to tell him to stop barking and get him to stop and listen.
Sometimes it can be more difficult than that and this is where an anti bark collar would come into play.
Now it is just a matter of deciding which the best anti bark collar is for your dog to use.
Citronella Collar This is one of the most popular choices.
For dog owners who want an anti bark collar to help their dogs quiet down, this is an ideal choice because it is effective but without harming the dog.
It does not work like the shock collars which actually shock your dog every time they bark.
Instead of using an electrical shock, the citronella collar relies only on a small spray of citronella which is shot out when the dog barks.
They will not feel any pain but they will stop barking because they will be curious as to what this new smell is and where it came from.
As the dog continues to wear the collar and get used to it they will start to realize that every time they bark the collar goes off.
It has a microphone built into the collar which senses the dog barking and sets the citronella spray off.
Ultrasonic Collar Another top pick for an anti bark collar is the ultrasonic collar.
This is a type of collar that is also completely harmless to your dog so there is no need to worry about that.
It uses a high pitched noise to stop your dog from barking.
You will not be able to hear it because it is too high pitched for humans to hear.
Your dog will immediately stop barking once the noise sounds and you can choose to adjust the level on the collar if you think it is not working on your dog.
You could choose to have them either hear a constant high pitched signal or a radical pattern with a fluctuating pitch.
An anti bark collar can very well be the perfect solution to your dog barking problems and help you to start enjoying your time with your dog again.

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