Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation

Hypnotherapy has been recognized as a therapeutic tool, which is promoted as a method for smoking cessation.
It is proposed to act on impulses to curb the desire to smoke or to strengthen the willpower to quit smoking.
A scientific study shows that a group of smokers participated in hypnotherapy session were more likely to quit smoking within 6 months compared to those using nicotine replacement therapy alone for smoking cessation.
It is also found that people who were hospitalized with a cardiac diagnosis were three times more likely to stop smoking after six months compared to people admitted in hospital with pulmonary diagnosis.
One session, three point Eric Spiegel is a licensed psychologist, is certified to administer clinical hypnosis.
Many hypnotherapy techniques have been employed for smoking cessation, but the most effective and frequently used approaches are variations of "one session, three point" method.
" This method was developed by Dr.
Eric Spiegel.
"One session, three point" approach attempts to induce deep concentration to modify a patient's perception of smoking.
During this hypnotherapy session, smokers are given three points to ponder on: (i) Smoking is a poison (ii) The body is entitled to protection from smoke (iii) There are advantages to life as a nonsmoker "One session, three point" approach also includes training in self-hypnosis which can be equally important.
Why quitting smoking is so difficult? Nicotine is an addictive substance to go without when it comes to giving up smoking.
It merely takes less than 8 seconds to reach the brain once inhaled or chewed.
Nicotine affects a specific part of the brain leading to release of chemicals that give pleasurable feeling.
As nicotine reaches the brain, it increases the level of dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter that produces the feeling of reward and pleasure.
But as the brain gets addicted to nicotine, it craves for more in order to get the same level of relaxation and pleasure.
If not provided, it leads to strong cravings for nicotine, which is sometimes hard to defeat with willpower alone.
Kill nicotine addiction with Champix Champix is a prescription medication which is nicotine-free and is approved for aiding in effective smoking cessation.
Within as little as 12 weeks, this anti-smoking pill can help you curb your smoking addiction.
Varenicline is the active ingredient in Champix, which binds itself to the specific nicotine receptors in the brain that respond to nicotine.
It not only lessens nicotine withdrawal symptoms, but also blocks the pleasurable feeling that smoking generates.
Champix does trick the brain into believing that it's getting its nicotine dose.
This medication has a remarkable safety and efficacy profile as established in clinical trials.
Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, fatigue, stomach pain and loss of appetite are certain side effects associated with Champix.
But the positive results this quit smoking pill provides outshine these side effects.
Clinical studies show that the success rate of this medication was found to be 44% amongst people trying to stop smoking as compared to 33% with those on other anti-smoking pills.
It is always advisable to consult a doctor before taking Champix to avoid any side effects.

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