Health & Medical Acne

How To Naturally Cure Acne Fast

Acne is commonly caused by an overproduction of oil on the skin, which may lead to an outbreak of acne. Many teenagers experience pimple breakouts. During puberty you have to face the hormonal changes happening in your body. Many adults also suffer from similar type pimple problems. Everyone wants to get rid of the pimples, especially when they appear on our face.

Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy and is known to stabilize the pH balance of your skin.

Apply a ripe tomato on your face to treat pimples and acne naturally at home .Tomato will tighten open pores and reduce oiliness of your skin. This home remedy is best for oily skin.

Coconut Juice: coconut juice can be used on your skin every day by using it as a cream. This juice helps to bring back the natural look of your skin, and it also helps get rid of any skin infection including acne.

Proper nutrition is essential. Although scientific studies have failed to find correlation between diet and acne, it seems that certain foods may have a negative effect on the skin of some people. For this reason, you need to avoid eating pizza, chocolate and fried foods.

Aloe Vera gel can be applied directly to the spots and is known to heal them.

You can try this easy home remedy, apply toothpaste on your affected area .You can try this treatment when pimples break out suddenly , and you want pimples to vanish fast. Your diet can play a very important role in reducing pimples and preventing breakouts. Oily and greasy food can worsen the situation. Not only this, foods that are rich in simple sugars can also worsen the situation. This is because such foods result in higher level of Insulin in blood that can aggravate acne.

You should drink a lot of water daily as much as you can. You are to drink at least 8-12 glasses per day; it will help the body to flush out bad toxins. Also you must also exercise for at least for 30-40 minutes and for a minimum of 4 times in a week.

After you are done with the ice pack, you can apply some gel like toothpaste onto the pimples. Just use a small amount and be careful not to get any of the toothpaste in your eyes. Leave the toothpaste on overnight and rinse well with warm water and then cold in the morning.

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