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How to Make Crystal Ornaments

Things You'll Need



Twist pipe cleaners into different shapes such as stars, snowflakes, angels, hearts or spirals. Some shapes may require cutting pipe cleaners with scissors and twisting them together. Be creative, but do not make the shape too big to fit in the jar without touching the bottom or sides.

Boil water in a tea kettle. Pour 2 cups per every one-quarter cup of Borax. Quart sized Mason jars will hold 4 cups of water; add one-half cup of Borax.

Stir with a wooden spoon to dissolve. Stir in more Borax until the solution is cloudy.

Tie the pipe cleaner shape to a piece of yarn. Tie the other end of the yarn to a pencil. Suspend the ornament in the solution by placing the pencil over the opening of the jar. Cut the yarn short enough that the entire pipe cleaner is in the solution.

Leave the pipe cleaner in the solution over night for heavy crystals and no less than two hours for a light crystal effect.

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