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How Can Pheromones Help You Get a Girl

Human Pheromones: Fact or Fiction?

It seems like every few months there is some new "wonder" drug or scientific remedy that is supposed to revolutionize our lives and consequently we are flooded by marketing hypes that claim to have found the best use for it. In the past 5 decades, many studies have shown that Pheromones fall in that category as some of the most influential chemicals that have a stunning effect on the opposite sex. But what exactly are pheromones and can they possibly help us appear more attractive to the opposite sex? And can Pheromones help me get a girl? No one even knew about pheromones until 1953 when researchers discovered that female moths secreted a pheromone known as bombykol. This pheromone served as a chemical signal to other males that the female was ready for mating and could carry over long distances, even at low concentrations. The first human pheromone was discovered in 1974 after researchers realized that pheromones caused the ovulation cycles of women to synchronize if they lived in close proximity to one another. The first human sex pheromone, alpha-androstenol, was discovered shortly thereafter. We can't actually smell pheromones but the body does detect them with a nasal organ known as the VNO. The VNO is connected directly to the hypothalamus in our brains which is responsible for emotions, including attraction for the opposite sex. Studies have indeed proven that the right combination and concentration of pheromones increase the sexual attractiveness of the person emitting them.

Ever wonder why you find it hard to get a girl you want?

Male pheromones are primarily released under the arm pits. Soaps and deodorants can clog skin pores and/or overpower the pheromones thus depriving men of one of the most potent and effective tool in attracting mates. Female sex hormones are released both under the arm pits and in the pubic area which helps explain why women never seem to have any trouble attracting men. Of course, pheromones also help with mother-infant bonding and play a number of other roles in addition to attracting the opposite sex. For men, the best way to capitalize on the seductive and scientifically proven powers of pheromones is to find a soap or cologne made with any of these known sex pheromones:
  • Andostenone: This pheromone helps signal dominance and aggression and research has associated this as a sex pheromone because it is known to stimulate sexual response in the opposite sex.
  • Alpha-Androstenol: Signals youth, sociability, and helps put people at ease and make conversation easier while inducing comfort and trust. This pheromone also stimulates increased production of testosterone and is closely associated with stimulating sexual interest.
  • Androsterone: This pheromone signals masculinity and helps create the impression of reliability and protection.

The facts are in: Pheromones are the real deal but men need to find soaps, colognes, or other products made with any of the above pheromones. Soaps and colognes made without pheromones are actually hurting a man's chances of getting a girl—who knew!?

Are Human Pheromone Products Really "Sex Magnets"?

Pheromone soaps, colognes, body sprays, and other Pheromone products are all being advertised "sex magnets" that can magically make you irresistible to the opposite sex. Are these pheromone products the real secret behind the success of some of the most famous Pick Up Artists or are they just a big waste of time and money? Pheromones do in fact exist and a lot of research has proven that they really do help attract the opposite sex. Male sex hormones like alpha-androstenol have also proven effective in attracting women. Although not all human pheromones are sex-related, those that are do indeed appear to play a large and effective role in helping attract sexual attention. Easily put, human sex Pheromone help you get a girl. Recent research reveals that better results are seen when different pheromones are used in varying ratios. In other words, rather than looking for a product claiming to have the "highest concentration of alpha-androstenol", you might be better served looking for products with a combination of sex pheromones in lower concentrations. These sex "cocktails" have proven far more effective than overbearing products boasting about super-charged concentration of any single pheromone. For men, try to find soaps and other masculine care products made with a combination of these male pheromones:
  • Alpha-Androstenol: Helps stimulate testosterone production and is known to help put others at ease and make it easier to trust.
  • Androstenone: Signals dominance and helps stimulate sexual response.
  • Androsterone: Signals masculinity and helps establish an atmosphere of reliability and protection.

The right combination of these potent sex hormones creates the ultimate aphrodisiac but beware of products claiming to have "highest concentration" for any one of them alone. All three must combine in the right concentrations for optimum results but the science is sound: Pheromones and products made with a combination of sex pheromones are indeed "sex magnets"—the only trick is finding the right ones!

The Human Pheromone Project

Study after study indicates that human pheromones can influence a wide range of behaviors, by:
  • Increasing Sexual Tension
  • Increasing Sexual Attraction
  • Increasing Testosterone Levels
  • Enhancing the Feeling of Confidence

Pheromones are detected in our noses by a tiny organ known as the VNO. Once detected, the VNO will send a signal to the brain and the appropriate response will initiate. Although pheromones do not directly control behavior, researchers conclude that the tiny molecules do influence people at more of a subconscious level. Therefore, you may not realize that pheromones are the reason why you find one woman more appealing than another. That is because you can't see pheromones and in some cases—you may not consciously smell Pheromones either! But human pheromones do influence behaviors like sexual attraction, so that leaves us with one very big question: Why do we need to buy Pheromone colognes, body sprays and other Pheromone products when our bodies produce them naturally? Most common deodorants and body fragrances clog pores or overwhelm the pheromones so that they are ineffective. For men especially, the use of deodorant nullifies the male pheromones and the effects they typically have upon male behavior, such as:
  • Increased Confidence
  • Increased Testosterone Levels
  • More Aggression/Assertiveness
  • More Appealing to Women

With pheromone enriched products, men gain the advantages that pheromones provide again, making them more appealing to the other sex. So yes, human pheromones do exist and they can greatly affect our behavior on a subconscious level especially when it comes to sexual attraction. Try to find pheromone products made with a mixture of these three vital male pheromones: Androstenone, Androsterone, and Androstenol.

Exposing the Five Myths About Pheromones

Almost all of us have heard about pheromones in the past couple of years and there are a lot of strange ideas being circulated about them. Here are the five most common myths about pheromones:

Can Pheromones Control Other People?

Pheromones do not control other people but they can stimulate sexual interest, enhance masculinity, increase aggression, and make you naturally more appealing and trustworthy in the eyes of both sexes. Pheromones convey a "trust me" massage on the subconscious level.

Pheromones Work Best In High Concentration.

There are tons of Pheromones colognes, perfumes, and other various products that claim to have the "highest concentrations" of Androstenone Pheromone and that this is the best pheromone for attracting women. However, studies have shown that exceedingly high concentrations of Androstenone Pheromone actually repel women and also that a blend of pheromones will produce the best results.

Do Pheromones Smell Bad ?

Although Pheromones are detected by a nasal organ they are undetectable as an odor. However, it is possible to smell pheromones but the results are not what you might expect: Pheromones that have more of an odor to men will have more of an effect upon women—and vice versa.

Is Androstenone the Best Pheromone for Attracting Opposite Sex?

Androstenone Pheromone will attract female attention and help project an aura of confidence but in high concentrations it can make a person seem threatening and overbearing. Products that exclusively rely on Androstenone Pheromones are not as effective as those products made with a mixture of pheromones. So to put things to rest, if you want to get a girl, we recommend using a blend of Pheromones.

Is There a Legal Limit to the Amount of Pheromones that Can Be Used in a Product?

Pheromone sprays, colognes, and other similar Pheromone based products are categorized as fragrances and there is no regulation limiting the concentration of pheromones used in these types of products. Most likely this myth got started by marketing people claiming to have "the highest concentration of pheromones allowed by law" in their products. While this may make it seem like they have the highest concentrations of pheromones possible, we have already demonstrated that more is not necessarily better when it comes to Pheromone. And finally, for the record: Pheromones don't work on everyone but studies do indicate that they are effective on around 70% of the population when it comes to affecting moods and behavior. For best results, look for products with a mixture of pheromones designed to elicit specific behaviors as they are most likely to produce the desired results.

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