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A Pet Parent"s Guide to Living With an Indoor Pet Rabbit, Or House Rabbit

First of all, the rule of thumb when selecting a rabbit hutch or cage is to "Buy the largest home that your budget and available space will allow".
Many new wood rabbit hutches are available that would look great inside your home, offering nicely stained wood, furniture-like design, and ease of maintenance for your convenience.
Rabbit cages come in many styles and sizes, and assemble quickly and easily.
Lastly, multiple level homes are now available, which are the perfect solution for you if you are tight on space but want your pet bunny to have plenty of room.
Consider that this rabbit hutch or home is where your rabbit will probably spend a good bit of time, so choose one that offers plenty of room to make your bunny comfortable.
Experts recommend that rabbits be spayed or neutered between 3 and a half months and 6 months old.
For indoor rabbits, this can be especially important.
Indoor rabbits that have been spayed or neutered are more likely to be easily litter box trained, which makes clean up a much easier task for you.
They will be less likely to have poor chewing behavior and as such, will be less likely to chew on objects around your home that they should leave alone.
Spaying and neutering can reduce the possibility of territorial aggression, and will likely allow them to live happier and longer lives! To litter train an indoor rabbit, watch to see which corner of the cage or hutch that the bunny tends to use as his bathroom.
Rabbits tend to be clean animals, and generally will favor one corner.
That corner becomes the likely spot to place a corner litter pan made for rabbits.
Use recycled paper pellet litter for easy clean ups and less risk for your bunny.
In both the potty and the dropping pan, it is safer and more healthy to avoid using red cedar or regular pine shavings or bedding.
Both have natural oils that can cause health problems for a house rabbit or other small animal.
Try to use recycled paper pellets or scraps, or Aspen style bedding.
Remember to praise your bunny for good behavior such as using his or her potty! A kind word and a bunny treat can go a long way.
Remember to bunny-proof your home.
Indoor rabbits should have as much time out of the cage as possible, and a minimum of 4 hours a day is recommended.
Supervise your indoor bunny, and a large enough playpen made for small animals can help.
Make sure that all electrical cords are protected and cannot be chewed on or through.
Indoor rabbits may not realize that you do not want them to chew on your furniture or moldings, so be sure to take a common sense approach to any areas that your house bunny could gain access to.
Providing chew toys and household items as simple as an old telephone book or cardboard box filled with hay can help keep your indoor rabbit out of mischief and harm's way.
Think like a bunny if it helps! Lastly, consider other pets in the house, as well as small children.
Indoor rabbits are fragile animals that scare easily.
Small children should not try to pick them up and other "playful" pets can cause harm or unnecessary fright for an indoor rabbit.
Introduce them slowly and with supervision.
If everyone in your household works together to properly care for your indoor rabbit, and exercises good common sense when it comes to their well being, your enjoyment of your indoor bunny will be greatly improved.
Your pet rabbit will thank you with years of devotion, pleasant interaction, and plenty of love!

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