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Shri Krishna Sagar Arts-TV Serial All Videos-Episode 8

Duryodhan shielding from Yudisthira, Duryodhana shows to remain there while he marches against Yudtshira, fearing his life attempts to perform again. Duryodhana and Yudisthira are fighting, Yudisthira is attempting to affect Duryodhana but Duryodhans body is not at all affected, Duryodhan starts beating Yudisthira. is running when Nakul methods him, Shakuni attempts forgiveness fearing his life, goes again and covers under a soldiers body to hide himself.
Elsewhere, Arjuna and Aswathama are experiencing a duel, Arjuna breaks Aswathamas bend along with his arrow, Aswathaa easily removes a blade and jumps from chariot planning to problem Arjuna to a blade battle, just when Aswathama is approximately to problem Arjuna, Dhristadyumna comes and issues Aswathama and shows Arjuna to go and help Yudisthira.
remains hiding underneath the dead-body, Nakul attempts to get him, instantly two cube ( just like ones used in the Dyuta Sabha ), are thrown near Shakunis hiding position, Nakul finds and shows him he cant run nowadays, Shakuni again attempts forgiveness, Bhima enters the scene and accumulates in the air,. is found very worried and is over repeatedly stating sorry, requests Bhima to get him to Sabha and proceed trial to him, Nakul claims that there may only abuse no tests, Bhima shouts at he ( Bhima ) only needs retribution, meanwhile Sahadev also concerns the scene. Bhima then starts checking Shakunis sins, Bhima firstly shows Shakuni to recount he ( Shakuni ) poisoned him, Bhima punches Shakuni towards Nakul, Nakul requires Shakuni to recount how he ( Shakuni ) tried to burn off his family in Lakshagraha. Nakul punches towards Sahadev, Sahadev requires to recount the Dyut Sabha and the horrors of it. ( Flashbacks of every event is found once the event in mentioned). Sahadev punches Shakuni who moves towards Bhima. A worried Shakuni screams for Duryodhana to help him. Duryodhana learns his Mamashrees screams and defeats Yudisthira therefore he can go help. Duryodhana attempts to proceed to help Shakuni but is ended by Arjuna who is keeping a mace, Duryodhana shows Arjuna that his weapons wont have the ability to end him nowadays, Duryodhana then punches a huge boulder at Arjuna but Arjuna destorys it in
mid-air, Duryodhan in frustration punches a chariot and Arjuna destroys that as well, Arjuna sarcastically requires Duryodhana to hold back and teach him two things about mace, Duryodhana gets upset and starts attacking Arjuna, Arjuna attempts to hurt Duryodhana but cannot because of Vajra in his bodystarts to run but is shortly surrounded by the 4 Pandavas ( Yudi, Sahadev, Nakul and Bhima ), again shouts for help, Shakuni claims he his weaponless and he cant be infected, Nakul offers him his axe but Shakun pauses it therefore he can keep weaponless, Sahadev provides spear but pauses that also. Sahadev angrily tells that Wrestling does not want any weapon and starts defeating Shakuni. Soon Duryodhana concerns his help, 5 Pandavas for a circle and they start to overcome Shakuni and throw him to some other Pandava before Duryodhana can achieve Shakuni. Shakuni, after finding beaten black and orange, escapes the Pandava circle. Bhima,.

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