Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Eczema Remedies to Cure Chronic Eczema

When looking for eczema remedies, it is very important that you first do your research on the types of remedies that you should use for your type of eczema. There is no single treatment, whether natural or prescribed by a doctor, that can guarantee a cure for this skin disease. People will respond differently to various types of treatments, so it is important that you take the time to find the remedies that work for you.

Paste made of camphor and sandalwood powder provides effective relief on applying to the affected area. Neem a good herb that helps to wash away the infection causing bacteria from the body.

Many people use corticosteroids to try and get rid of an eczema skin rash. Corticosteroid creams contain low levels of steroids and can be helpful in reducing an eczema rash. That is to use filtered water when you bathe. Fit a home filter onto your shower and this may be a real help to you. In tens of thousands of municipalities though the country our water authorities carelessly allow chemicals to pass their large, industrial-size water purification plants. Some even add chemicals, like chlorine, to the public water supply thinking it is making water in their city pure. Where ever there are chemicals in the water there is scope for your skin to be irritated by them. A simple, inexpensive home filter fitted right onto your shower unit will stop them. And that may stop your eczema also.

Evening Primrose oil rubbed on the affected areas of the skin and taken internally also is one of the natural cures for eczema, it is an extremely healthy oil that is good for the skin, inflammation, and even pain.

Scented Lotions/Scented Soaps - Due to the added fragrance and other additives in scented soaps and lotions, these factors will only irritate and dry out the already irritated and dry skin of the eczema sufferer.

Use vitamin E oil. Apply vitamin E oil the effected areas of the body. An excellent antioxidant, vitamin E oil should be applied daily to moisturize the skin and reverse scarring and other eczema and skin-related damage.

Another natural treatment for eczema is use of probiotics. These probitics or good bacteria help reduce the occurrence of eczema in children and pregnant women. You should speak to your doctor about probiotics and if it is suitable in your case. Nutmeg powder should be made into a smooth paste and applied to heal eczema naturally.

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