Help - I Am Allergic To Pollen
If you are allergic to pollen then you suffer from Allergies Type 1, also called Contact Allergies.
There is no general allergy to pollen.
People that are allergic to pollen are allergic to the pollen from one or more specific plants.
Some people are olive trees pollen but are not effective by grass pollen.
The male plant produces pollen as a means to fertilize female plants and is transported to the female plants by two primary means.
The first is by using insects to transfer the pollen the female plants and the second is by using wind or air currents to accomplish the task.
Usually pollen is produced in much larger quantities when it is distributed by the wind.
For someone who is allergic to pollen this can mean avoiding pollen is next to impossible, especially in the spring and summer.
Some plants and trees are no longer allowed to be planted in some areas of the United States due to the large number of allergy suffers such as Fruitless Mulberries.
The most common symptoms in people allergic to pollen usually involve the respiratory symptoms.
Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, headaches, and congestion in the lungs, hives, and itchy and watery eyes.
If you suffer from pollen allergies then take a hard looks and what is giving you the problem and then take a serious look at what type of environment will beneficial to you.
Try to spend several weeks in each type of environment and take note of the effects it has on you.
Different people will react differently to each environment and only you can tell what would be best for you.
Windy days need to be avoided because greater quantities of pollen are in the atmosphere.
During rain the pollen count usually decreased because the rain cleans the atmosphere.
Living in a tropical environment may be beneficial to you.
An environment with a high humidity does not carry some type of air-borne pollens well.
Other people will do better in a dryer environment such as the desert.
Less plants growing in the area then there are less pollens in the air The city environment will usually have less naturally occurring air-born contaminates such as pollen, where as the country environment will usually have less artificial air-born contaminates in the air but a higher concentration of pollens.
Air cleaners can make a really big difference in the severity and frequency of allergy attacks.
The central heating system should have an electrostatic air filter to distribute clean air through out the house.
These electrostatic air filters trap microscopic allergens.
Consider investing in a HEPA room air cleaner for all bedrooms and in the family room.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.
There is no general allergy to pollen.
People that are allergic to pollen are allergic to the pollen from one or more specific plants.
Some people are olive trees pollen but are not effective by grass pollen.
The male plant produces pollen as a means to fertilize female plants and is transported to the female plants by two primary means.
The first is by using insects to transfer the pollen the female plants and the second is by using wind or air currents to accomplish the task.
Usually pollen is produced in much larger quantities when it is distributed by the wind.
For someone who is allergic to pollen this can mean avoiding pollen is next to impossible, especially in the spring and summer.
Some plants and trees are no longer allowed to be planted in some areas of the United States due to the large number of allergy suffers such as Fruitless Mulberries.
The most common symptoms in people allergic to pollen usually involve the respiratory symptoms.
Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, headaches, and congestion in the lungs, hives, and itchy and watery eyes.
If you suffer from pollen allergies then take a hard looks and what is giving you the problem and then take a serious look at what type of environment will beneficial to you.
Try to spend several weeks in each type of environment and take note of the effects it has on you.
Different people will react differently to each environment and only you can tell what would be best for you.
Windy days need to be avoided because greater quantities of pollen are in the atmosphere.
During rain the pollen count usually decreased because the rain cleans the atmosphere.
Living in a tropical environment may be beneficial to you.
An environment with a high humidity does not carry some type of air-borne pollens well.
Other people will do better in a dryer environment such as the desert.
Less plants growing in the area then there are less pollens in the air The city environment will usually have less naturally occurring air-born contaminates such as pollen, where as the country environment will usually have less artificial air-born contaminates in the air but a higher concentration of pollens.
Air cleaners can make a really big difference in the severity and frequency of allergy attacks.
The central heating system should have an electrostatic air filter to distribute clean air through out the house.
These electrostatic air filters trap microscopic allergens.
Consider investing in a HEPA room air cleaner for all bedrooms and in the family room.
Always consult your doctor before using this information.
This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.