Society & Culture & Entertainment History

Rhea Silvia


Rhea Silvia, a name connoting the Great Mother and the forest (Latin: silva), was the legendary mother of Romulus and Remus. Rhea Silvia was the daughter of Numitor, king of Alba Longa, who was forced to become a Vestal Virgin. The god Mars impregnated her. The punishment for violating the chastity restriction of the vestals was burial alive, regardless of the circumstances of the violation, but Rhea Silvia's life was spared by special pleading.

She is said to have married the river god Tiberinus or Anio.

Also Known As: Ilia

Alternate Spellings: Rea Silvia


In the BBC series Torchwood, the password is Rhea Silva, a variation on the name Rhea Silvia.

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