Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Scared of the Dentist? Find One Who Specializes in Sedation Dentistry

If you are frightened at the thought of visiting the dentist, then you need to find one that specializes in sedation dentistry.
Twilight sleep, or sleep dentistry as it is also sometimes referred to, is an effective means of coping with anxiety about sitting in the dentist's chair.
You do not want the phobia you experience to negatively affect the health and care of your teeth.
A fear of going to the dentist is very real and is actually quite common.
Dental sedation is a tool that is beneficial for both patients as well as dental practitioners.
Without it many patients would not receive the oral care that they require and their teeth and gums would suffer as a result.
Overcoming a fear of going to the tooth doctor is not an easy one and does not take place all at once but is a step in the correct direction.
Being sedated at the dentist does not mean that you are unconscious or asleep while you are undergoing treatment.
Instead, it is a type of conscious sedation that allows the person to feel relaxed and calm.
The patient is still able to answer questions and to nod their head after the sedative has been administered.
In the past, if a person was really scared when seeing the dentist, intravenous sedation would have been used.
This was the conventional route used for those suffering from a phobia of this kind.
The patient was injected with either a needle or a syringe.
However, there have been improvements since then, and other types of sedatives are now being used to make it possible for phobic individuals to feel better.
Some dental providers use anti-anxiety meds, while others use nitrous oxide or tranquilizers.
All of the sedative methods can be administered to the patient by mouth or by inhalation.
The majority of patients who go to the smile doctor prefer any of these methods over that of IV.
After all, no one likes needles! The greatest benefit of choosing a dentist who specializes in sedation is that you do not need to worry and let anxiety rule the day.
The appointment will be smoother and time will pass faster if the patient can be put at ease.
This also means that more work can be done in the mouth at any given time.
This also makes it easier for both the healthcare provider and the person sitting in the chair.
Sedation dentistry translates to a type of painless dentistry.
This is helpful for those whose teeth would be neglected if it was not for this modern method of oral calm and relaxation.
What it means is that oral care is not forgotten or pushed aside.
Taking care of your teeth is not just important for your oral health but also your overall level of health.
If you think this could make your future visits to the dentist easier, don't hesitate to ask your oral care provider what they offer.

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