Health & Medical Yoga

What Is Inversion Exercise?


    • Most yoga classes use inversions to facilitate reverse flow of blood and lymphatic fluids with gravity. Fully supported postures against the wall or with a chair work by allowing a deep sense of repose.


    • Examples of supports to use for restorative inversions are rolled sticky mats, the wall, any folding chair, blocks and blankets.

    Legs above the heart

    • Bringing balance to habitual movements where the legs are underneath the hips, inversions let the flow of blood from the legs return to the heart and organs of filtration more quickly. Recognize and adjust for any pressure or uncomfortable sensation, especially in the area of the heart.


    • If you experience dizziness while practicing an inversion exercise, stop the exercise and slowly return to an upright position.

      Get clearance from your physician before trying inversion poses if you have any history of heart disease.


    • The following list of yoga postures ranges from mild (restorative) to difficult (extreme):
      child's pose, legs up the wall, downward-facing dog, bridge, wheel, shoulder stand and handstand.

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