Health & Medical Mental Health

What is Anxiety vs Panic?

In this fast paced society everyone has a little stress and anxiety in their lives. Although for many people it is quite minimal and may not even be noticed most days. Now imagine having high levels of anxiety or worring about when the next panic attack is going to hit every single day and often many times throughout the day? As one can imagine, this would be quite debilitating and is for millions of Americans. The problem is that once these feelings and emotions start occurring it is extremely difficult to tell when it becomes a serious medical condition becuase often it starts slow and grows over weeks, months and even years. The other problem is everyone uses all these mental health terms interchangable, for example someone that has social anxiety disorder, does not nescessarily have generalized anxiety disorder,depression, panic disorder or seasonal affective disorder. The scary part is that these terms are not just mixed up by you or I but by many medical professionals. So it become quite a challenge to start to figure a lot of this stuff out. This article is going to discuss some of the differences between anxiety and panic disorders.

According to the National Institute on Mental Health, (website listed under resources at the bottom of this article)
the definitions are as follows:

Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. Its helps one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, keep focused on an imporant speech. In general, it helps one cope. Although, when anxiety becomes excessive, irrational or one begins to dread everyday situations, it becomes a disabling disorder.

Panic is characterized by unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear, sudden attack of terror, usually accompanied by a pounding heart, sweating, weakness or dizziness. During these attacks, people may feel chilled,their hands may tingle or feel numb, they may experience nausea or chest pain. Panic attacks usually cause a fear of losing control, doom or intense dread. Panic attacks can occur at anytime, usually without warning and can even occur while sleeping. A usual attack will typically peak within 10 minutes but some can last much longer.

The goal of this article is not to freak you out but rather to let you know there is hope! Treatment is available to everyone! The first step is getting educated. This can be tricky but try to use as many different resources as possible. No one place will have all the information but picking up bits and pieces is definately a great way to go. It may be frustrating at times but little by little the puzzle will become more clear. Make sure to ask questions and challenge things that don't seem right.

Anxiety and panic attacks are treatable conditions. The earlier treatment begins the better! Panic disorder is one of the most treatable of all the anxiety disorders. These treatments come in the form of natural remedies, homeopathic approaches, medications, psychotherapy and many others that all target a change in the thinking patterns that often causes anxiety.

People that avoid treatments often become so restricted they avoid normal activites, such as grocery shopping,driving and visiting friends and family. Some even become housebound and are only able to face a feared situationwith a trusted friend or family member.


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