Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Allergies - A Success Story - How I Beat Sinusitis This Summer!

Ah, summertime !! I love the seasons.
Each one for a different reason.
But summertime..
Well there are just so many reasons.
Coming out from the long cold maritime winter and wet spring is just one reason to love summer here in Canada.
My wife simply loves this time of year.
The days are so long and the sun sets late in the evening.
The leaves on the trees come out fast and full.
And the birds seem happier then ever.
And the heat.
Oh the heat! If we are lucky it gets really hot in the day and then cools down somewhat in the nighttime.
Sometimes we are not so lucky but it's still great.
But I have one problem with all this.
I have or should say had allergies and asthma all my life.
So for me it never fails that when June rolls around, BANG...
I get terrible sinusitis.
And I mean bad.
I don't breath right until late September or October, depending on whether or not the temperature goes down.
It hurts and is so frustrating for months.
I have tried all the anti histamines on the market to no avail.
This summer was particularly bad.
When the fog rolls into our city it seems to penetrate every cell and while this normally wouldn't be a problem it seems to bring into the cells amounts of pollen and other things that I'm totally allergic too.
( or Was ) Anyway, it got so bad that one Monday morning I woke up and simply could not go to work.
And that was bad because I never miss work because I love my job (I repair musical instruments for a living).
So I'm sitting on the sofa, getting ready for a long painful and frustrating day.
I remembered I had a book that talked about how to handle sinusitis naturally.
I looked up everything to do with allergies and especially sinusitis.
Then I applied what he said to do, which had nothing to do with taking any drugs.
As a matter of fact it was so simple that it couldn't possibly work!! Right?...
Wrong! The treatment consisted of taking copious amounts of water preceded by small amounts of unprocessed sea salt!! I'm serious.
That's it.
And I swear to you, within 6 hours or less, I was 85 to 90 percent cured!!!! And I mean cured.
That was June and it is now late August and I have been virtually symptom free.
It was so unbelievable to me that by the time my wife got home I was dancing around like a fool, making very deep breathing noises and laughing.
It was incredible.
You know how usually the things you read about applying this product and get this result usually never work out the way it was stated? Well this worked and I was so excited that I became a fanatic about water and sea salt to anyone that would listen.
It has to be unprocessed sea salt by the way.
About 1/8 of a teaspoon minimum to 16 ounces of water.

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