Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

How to Minimize and Eliminate Allergies - The Natural Allergy Elimination

Sometimes there is no other way to help your allergies, but to take the medication.
I personally prefer natural allergy relief methods and I have been able to minimize and some people even eliminate allergies with just making some simple changes.
In some instances, some natural medication work better than the proscribed, at least for me.
But, the cure to eliminate allergies needs to start with us.
My allergies are respiratory and sinus connected so everything I breathe has affect on me.
So here is what I did! One of the first was to change to food I eat.
I have completely eliminated the microwave food because from what I read, it can be harmful for allergy sufferers.
I also changed my diet to include a lot more fruit and vegetables.
I have also found different ways to boost my immune system such as taking the new fun Vitaballs vitamins and reading up on different foods that boost immune system.
One great book to read is 100 top Immune System Boosters.
People often do not connect immune system with allergies, but more and more people are saying that since they started working on improving their immune system, their allergies reduced.
My personal belief is that when we suffer from allergies, the body recognizes this as a cold and immune system fights.
This was definitely another way I was able to minimize my allergies.
Now in addition to this I have almost completely eliminated scented candles and heavy scented cleaners.
I am not sure if there is anything in the candle scent that causes allergies, but my problem was any kind of heavy scented sweet smell.
The cleaning supplies and heavy chemical smell bothered me a lot too!So I started purchasing natural cleaners including the dish washing cleaners.
Some of the brands for cleaners are Cleen Free and Seventh Generation.
I always look for unscented products when ever I need to purchase any kind of cleaner.
It works like a charm form my sinuses.
I have also incorporated humidifier into all of this.
Depending on the aria you live, you may want to get air purifier or dehumidifier.
I live in the dry area so my sinuses really suffer and my allergies increase during the cold dry winter.
Especially since we have heater on, this makes it even worse.
Now I have my humidifier on during the night and in the office when I work.
I did not connect this with my allergies right away, but it turned out I should have.
This made a huge difference for me as well.
I strongly believe this was another way for me to eliminate my allergies almost completely.
Incorporated into this, I use some other products as well.
These products are SinuCleanse and Breathe Right Nasal strips, which are one of the top 10 natural allergy remedies for sinus sufferers.
With the combination of all of this, the allergies have really improved!I have not yet been able to eliminate them completely but definitely minimize them.

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