Travel & Places Other - Destinations

The Dining Customs of Different Cultures

It may not be that obvious to you but one of the main reasons why people go on a vacation is to try out the different food cultures.
Many of these foreigners may find the food interesting.
Some even say that the food looks baffling and odd.
The best part about other culture's food is that the looks may be different, but the taste says a different thing.
Dinner Of course, while eating in another culture, we must also expect a different dinning custom.
It is important to know this so that we will not get confused or even baffled if we see someone eating in a peculiar way.
Take these countries, for example.
In many countries of the world, the main meal is taken midday.
America, for instance, takes the main meal after the working day.
This meal is called "dinner," a word which signifies the meal taken on midday.
This type of custom is mostly common in English-speaking countries.
Dinner in America is commonly served within six to eight in the evening.
In other countries, it can be two hours early like Finland or can even be two hours later just like Spain.
English countries often have tea in the afternoon, which is really not practiced by other countries.
Tea is often done around 4 p.
This meal can consist of foods like small pastries and sandwiches.
One of the most oddest types of meal is called "brunch" which started in America.
It is basically a meal that combines breakfast and lunch, as the name implies, which is usually taken before 12 p.
Odd Foods When travelling to other countries it can never be avoided seeing odd and unfamiliar foods.
Some of these foods may be eaten by you, but other countries find it quite peculiar.
Corn on a cob, which Europeans see fit only for animals, marshmallows, pie, hot dogs, grits and sweet potatoes are just some of them.
Cautionary notes in dinning First of all, it is important to remember to respect the dinning and dietary rules of other countries and cultures.
Though we may find it weird to see them eat foods that are unusual to us we must learn to adhere to them.
When you are in a country that uses chopsticks just like Japan you should never point it to someone or suck it.
Furthermore, avoid using your chopsticks in a vertical position for this is though to bring bad luck.
In Europe, the main dish is served at the beginning of the meal.
Never mistake it as an appetizer.
On the other hand, when you are in a Chinese banquet, be in formal attire and never fill up to early when the first dish is served since Chinese banquets consist of many courses and viands.
Different countries may come with different dinning culture and foods, but this does not mean we should not respect them for they too may be uncomfortable with our food.
Nonetheless, let us enjoy each of our culture's food, and for sure you will have a great vacation ahead of you.

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