Home & Garden Architecture

How to Cut Curves in Granite Tile

    • 1). Use a grease pencil to trace the arc you wish to cut on the face of the stone. Make the line as visible as possible on the granite's surface by making two or three passes with the pencil.

    • 2). Cut a large wedge into the area where you wish to make a curve to remove the bulk of the tile. Cut in from an angle on either side to take a pie piece-shaped wedge out of the tile to make it easier to cut the curve.

    • 3). Make multiple, straight cuts in the granite going right up to the curved line. The result will resemble spokes in a bicycle wheel. The more cuts you make now, the easier time you will have removing the pieces, so make the cuts as close together as possible.

    • 4). Hold the granite tile firmly in your non-dominant hand. Use tile nippers to bite off each spoke of granite coming out of the curve. Get as close to the pencil line as you can without going over it and cracking the body of the tile.

    • 5). Remove the excess granite from the interior of the curve on the wet saw. Turn on the blade and hold the inside of the curve up to the blade, tilting the face of the tile up toward the back of the saw slightly. Carefully bring the edge of the curve to the blade of the saw and move the tile along the curve into the blade, shaving off the excess stone. Take off just a little at a time until you have smoothed out the entire curve.

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