Health & Medical Acne

The Emotional Pain of Acne

While most people have some experience with acne, there are some who truly suffer from it.
Acne is unpleasant to look at and those who suffer from it are more than aware of that fact.
Many people (both young and old) have experienced emotional pain due to their suffering with acne.
In fact it's the feeling inside that comes from having acne that is usually much more damaging and much more painful than any physical effects.
Mild acne where someone has small whiteheads that usually only last a few days can be embarrassing but that short lived embarrassment is nothing compared to pain suffered by people who have severe acne that seems to be a permanent part of their appearance.
People with severe acne suffer from the same whiteheads that those with mild acne have but they also have large cysts and boils that are pus filled and truly disgusting.
They can also be physically painful.
When this type of severe acne is "popped" it can live a scar that lasts the rest of your life.
You should never pop this type of acne.
People who suffer from the physical problem of severe acne also have to suffer with the emotional pain of people teasing them and the feeling that people of the opposite sex find them gross and completely unattractive.
When you have severe acne it can destroy your social life completely.
The sad fact is other people just don't take people with severe acne seriously.
The best case is they feel sorry for you.
One of the worst things is that people who do not suffer from acne will just think that you need to buy some of those creams or pads that are advertised on television or even worse they will think that you're very dirty and that you never wash your face.
Most people who suffer from severe acne have tried all of those creams and pads and know they don't do anything at all except maybe make your face even more irritated and ugly.
Acne has nothing to do with the cleanliness of your face.
In fact the cause of acne has little to do with the surface of your skin at all.
It is a condition caused by an overproduction of oil inside the body which is why the only really successful acne treatments are taken internally.
People with severe acne tend to become less social due to their embarrassment and the attitudes of others towards them.
This lack of a social life can lead to extreme depression.
In some cases people may even attempt suicide.
While that may seem very drastic (and it is) a teenager who is suffering from acne can sometimes see no hope in the future.
This problem can be made worse by the use of the prescription drug Accutane.
Accutane is effective in treating acne but unfortunately it can cause depression as a side effect.
What makes things worse is that people with this type of acne often feel like there's nothing that can be done to cure their problem.
There are usually only two things that will be effective with chronic acne and one is a prescription only medication called Accutane that comes with many severe side effects.
Luckily over the past 10 years there has an alternative solution has been found.
That solution is the use of B5 vitamins to treat acne at it's source which is the overproduction of oil inside the body.
The best thing about B5 vitamin treatment is that it does not have any serious side effects.
It also does not require a prescription and it's quite reasonably priced.

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