Your Blepharoplasty: What To Expect
As you age you might notice that you look not only older but more tired. Bags and droopy eyelids can make you look tired and older than you actually are. Excess skin collects in the eye area due to loss of elasticity and gravity. While it is annoying just to look like you are always half asleep it can also be problematic. That excess skin over your eyes can droop down making it difficult for you to see. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is simple procedure that will remove the excess skin giving you better range of vision and a less tired look.
What can you expect from your blepharoplasty? Well for starters don't expect it to get rid of fine lines such as crow's feet or dark circles. Its sole purpose is to remove the excess skin not smooth out wrinkles. This is important to understand so that you are not disappointed with the results of your surgery. Realistic and attainable goals are key to getting the look that you desire.
When you are getting ready to make your first appointment with your cosmetic surgeon you might want to take a moment and determine if you are a good candidate for a blepharoplasty. First off are you in good physical health. It's important to be in good physical health prior to having eyelid surgery. If you aren't in good physical health you could suffer some complications or have a difficult time healing from the procedure. It's best if you simply wait until you are healthy enough to have surgery. You might take into consideration your age, although it is not necessary to do so. Most people wait until they are 35 or older to have the eyelid surgery, there are a few exceptions, however, especially those who have genetically droopy eyelids.
Before you have the blepharoplasty check your medicine cabinet and freezer to ensure you have some staple items. Thing such as ice packs, ice cubes, eye drops, small gauze pads, pain killers, and clean washcloths are items you should have ready for when you come home. You're doctor will give you complete care procedures to ensure that your eyes don't get infected.
Don't come to the hospital alone. You won't be able to drive after your procedure. You will need someone to take you home once you've been discharged. This person should be willing to stay with you overnight after the procedure to help ensure there are no problems. You also should expect to stay home from work for a few days to allow your eyes to heal some before venturing back to your normal routine.
A blepharoplasty can take years off of your eyes. It can help you to see better and not look or feel so tired. Excess skin will feel heavy on your eyes over time making that tired look a reality. Take the time to talk to your doctor on the exact procedure that you will undergo and have him answer any questions that you may have.
What can you expect from your blepharoplasty? Well for starters don't expect it to get rid of fine lines such as crow's feet or dark circles. Its sole purpose is to remove the excess skin not smooth out wrinkles. This is important to understand so that you are not disappointed with the results of your surgery. Realistic and attainable goals are key to getting the look that you desire.
When you are getting ready to make your first appointment with your cosmetic surgeon you might want to take a moment and determine if you are a good candidate for a blepharoplasty. First off are you in good physical health. It's important to be in good physical health prior to having eyelid surgery. If you aren't in good physical health you could suffer some complications or have a difficult time healing from the procedure. It's best if you simply wait until you are healthy enough to have surgery. You might take into consideration your age, although it is not necessary to do so. Most people wait until they are 35 or older to have the eyelid surgery, there are a few exceptions, however, especially those who have genetically droopy eyelids.
Before you have the blepharoplasty check your medicine cabinet and freezer to ensure you have some staple items. Thing such as ice packs, ice cubes, eye drops, small gauze pads, pain killers, and clean washcloths are items you should have ready for when you come home. You're doctor will give you complete care procedures to ensure that your eyes don't get infected.
Don't come to the hospital alone. You won't be able to drive after your procedure. You will need someone to take you home once you've been discharged. This person should be willing to stay with you overnight after the procedure to help ensure there are no problems. You also should expect to stay home from work for a few days to allow your eyes to heal some before venturing back to your normal routine.
A blepharoplasty can take years off of your eyes. It can help you to see better and not look or feel so tired. Excess skin will feel heavy on your eyes over time making that tired look a reality. Take the time to talk to your doctor on the exact procedure that you will undergo and have him answer any questions that you may have.