Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

How to Buy the Right Size Generator

    • 1). Know the size of your home in square feet. This number can help to estimate the size of the generator you need based on the daily demands to your home's electrical system.

    • 2). Choose essential appliances that you want to keep running during a power outage. This will determine how many kilowatts the generator will need to run all of these appliances at once.

    • 3). Note the starting or running wattage of each essential appliance before shopping for a generator. If you cannot find the running wattage in the owner's manual, take a look at a power consumption chart to get an estimate of power use.

    • 4). Calculate the total wattage use. If an appliance or tool is expressed in amperes, use wattage = amperes x volts to calculate it into watts.

    • 5). Consult a generator dealer to see your options. Dealers can provide you with the specifications of each model in the size range that your home requires.

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