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What is adobe?

Definition: Adobe is a term widely used in the southwestern United States and Spanish speaking countries. Although the word is often used to describe an architectural style, adobe is actually a building material.

Adobe "bricks" are usually made with tightly compacted earth, clay, and straw. However, construction methods and the composition of the adobe will vary according to climate and local customs.

Sometimes an asphalt emulsion is added to help waterproof the adobe bricks. A mixture of Portland cement and lime may also be added, but these materials will add to the cost. In parts of Latin America, fermented cactus juice is used for waterproofing.

Also Known As:
Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) resemble adobe, except they usually do not contain straw or asphalt, and they more uniform in size and shape.

Examples of House Styles Traditionally Made with Adobe:

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