Health & Medical Body building

Weight Training Over 40 - 3 Great Ideas For Building Muscle With Limited Time!

Seems that time is a factor when it comes to every aspect of our daily lives.
We need time to do everything but the list 'to do' is so long we seem to fall short of completing it all.
When it comes to working out, our fitness program can be reduced in time to still be very efficient to reach our goals.
Here are some ideas how: 1/ Double up on your exercises: Instead of working out one muscle group at a time you can effectively 'combine' muscle groups in a single exercise.
An example could be doing a lunge and lifted the dumbbells and doing a shoulder press simultaneously.
The other way to double up is work a second muscle group between sets - or do some stretching.
Maximizing your time with the double up method means more training in the same period of time and the closer you are to seeing those great results.
2/ Circuit training: effective at doing two functions at once as well.
You get your heart rate up with cardio intervals for an aerobic workout while alternating with resistance or weight lifting.
The aerobic exercise helps burn calories and fat as well as strengthening your heart while you take your muscle to task as well, to undo any loss in muscle mass that starts to occur when we are over 40, and work to strengthen muscles as well, for a healthier body.
3/ Free Weights: Using dumbbells or free weights will force you to balance and stay stable during the movement.
Using machines the machines tend to hold you in place.
You want the challenge of proper posture and form, which typically works your core area.
With no machine to hold you in place you are more likely to challenge both sides of your body more effectively using the dumbbells as well.
Also, using free weights and one side at a time you can be sure that your dominant leg or arm will not be supporting the other.
This will help the development of your strength on both sides equally.
Other simple tips and tricks include making a trip to the gym when it's not busy.
You will have less down time waiting to get to what you need.
Keeping on the move keeps that heart rate up, however it's no secret this is virtually impossible in the New Year.
For the first few months of the year the gyms are packed and some people prefer home based programs for weight training for this very reason.
Lastly if you do make the time but it's in very short supply, focus on major muscle groups.
The main target should be your core, which will aid with strengthening your back and improving your posture.
When it comes to an effective exercise program when over 40, target the parts that will reap the best results and make good use of your time.

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