Business & Finance Careers & Employment

The Average Salary of a Union Carpenter in Sharon, Pennsylvania

    Union Wages and Benefits

    • Wages and benefits vary by each employer's bargaining agreement with the union, according to the Greater Pennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters. Benefits paid by employers affiliated with the union include health care, retirement savings and annuity plans. Union members also pay a small fee -- union dues -- which varies by each local union within the Greater Pennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters.

    Average Salary

    • The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated salaries for carpenters in Sharon, Pennsylvania, based on its Youngstown/Warren/Boardman, Ohio/Pennsylvania metropolitan division. This area includes Mercer Country, where Sharon is located. The mean, or average, salary was $41,200 per year. The salary of a union carpenter can vary based on their experience and seniority within the union. The 25th percentile earned $28,750 per year and the 75th percentile earned $52,510 per year. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $23,660 per year and the highest 10 percent earned more than $58,710 per year.

    Hourly Wages

    • The union guarantees its carpenters an hourly wage contractually agreed upon with each employer. Along with an hourly wage, the union also guarantees training and benefits. Based on all carpenters working in the Mercer County area, the median hourly wage was $19.67. The 25th percentile earned $13.82 per hour in the 75th percentile earned $25.25 per hour. The 10th percentile earned less than $11.37 per hour and the 90th percentile earned more than $28.23 per hour.

    State Comparison

    • Among 34,150 carpenters employed in Pennsylvania, the median salary was $38,960 per year or $18.73 per hour. The 25th percentile earned $30,750 per year or $14.78 per hour and the 75th percentile earned $38,960 per year or $24.75 per hour. The metropolitan area that includes Sharon paid 4.8 percent higher wages than the state's estimates, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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