Technology Electronics

How to Import Garmin Shapefiles to Google Earth

    • 1). Install all needed drivers for your GPS unit to connect to your computer. You can install with a disc that was included with your Garmin or download it.

    • 2). Turn your Garmin unit off. Attach the Garmin to your computer with the USB cable provided with your Garmin device.

    • 3). Turn your Garmin device on. Go to the Tools menu on Google Earth. Select "GPS" to display the Import GPS window.

    • 4). Go to Device and select the manufacturer for your Garmin device. Then, select "Import from File" to import your current files to Google Earth. Under Import, select which type of data you would like to import. Google Earth recommends importing all types of data.

    • 5). Select "KML Tracks" under Output. Check "Adjust altitude to ground height" option so all your points are on ground height. Click "Import" to import your files to Google Earth. When your files are finished being imported, a dialog box telling you the task is complete will appear.

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