These fun kitchen gadgets are the perfect gifts for the cook who has everything. These are also the type of gifts that someone wouldn't buy for themselves, but they would enjoy getting them.
This nifty battery-operated kitchen gadget stirs your sauce pan for you.More »It truly is ingenious how this gadget works. All you have to do is turn a handle and the apple is cored, peeled and cut. All it takes two cuts with a knife and an entire apple is ready for your pie shell. I only use mine a few times a year, but it's a great time saver.More »Use this waffle iron-like baker to make KrumKake, a Norwegian/Scandinavian cookie that is filled with cream.More »An Italian version of the KrumKake Baker, this is another appliance used to make waffle-like cookies. Pizzelles may also be shaped to form cones or cups. They are also served with a creamy-filling.More »Smoothie Makers are powerful machines that blend ice with solid fruit. This could be a fun gift for the person who has a pool and serves lots of margaritas.More »Perfect for grilling peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, and grilled cheese sandwiches and anything else you can think of.More »A Batter Dispenser helps to dispense the perfect amount of batter every time. Besides pancakes, I think this would be great for cupcakes too.More »The Deluxe S'Mores Kit is perfect for those ex-scouts and indoor campers in your life.More »