Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

How Do I Beat the Yellow Bell on "Harvest Moon: Animal Parade"?

    • 1). Grow 10 good or better quality crops. Start as soon as possible since crops take several days to grow. The crop you need to grow depends on the current season in the game. Spring requires lettuce, summer requires tomatoes, autumn requires pumpkins and winter requires buckwheat. Good, shining and perfect crops all qualify for this quest and decent crops do not.

    • 2). Enter the Flute District's beach. The first time you venture to the beach in the Flute District, you will trigger a cut scene in which your farmer and Finn, the guardian sprite, notice the yellow bell in the sand. After the cut scene, you will automatically have the yellow bell in your possession.

    • 3). Show the yellow bell to the Harvest Goddess. As soon as you walk into the Goddess' Spring in the Garmon Mine District with the yellow bell in your possession, you will trigger another cut scene. In this scene, the Harvest Goddess will instruct you to bathe the yellow bell in moonlight to revive Collin. You will have to bathe the bell in three different locations.

    • 4). Bathe the bell in the Garmon Mine District. Ascend the stairs in the Garmon Mine District above Ramsey's blacksmith store. When you reach the top of the stairs for the first time, you will see a cut scene in which your farmer first meets Calvin and he discusses a strange stone he found. Step on this stone between 6 p.m. and midnight game time, pull out the yellow bell from your rucksack and bathe the stone in moonlight.

    • 5). Absorb moonlight from the moonstone near the Lighthouse in Harmonica Town. Stand on the stone between 6 p.m. and midnight game time and pull out the yellow bell from your rucksack.

    • 6). Bathe the yellow bell in moonlight near Horn Ranch in Flute Fields. The last moonstone is on a hill near Horn Ranch in Flute Fields. Get to the area between 6 p.m. and midnight game time and bathe the yellow bell. Step on the moonstone and remove the yellow bell from your rucksack.

    • 7). Enter the Horn Ranch store and speak with Ruth, who stands behind the counter. She says she needs crops to ship. Offer your 10 good or better quality crops. You do not have to offer all 10 in one visit. She will unlock the field gate for you after she receives 10 good or better quality lettuce, tomato, pumpkin or buckwheat crops.

    • 8). Enter the area beyond the field gate in Horn Ranch and find the empty yellow bell stand to the right. Stand before it and take the yellow bell out of your rucksack. Place the bell on its stand. You will automatically awaken Collin and complete the yellow bell quest.

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