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How to Learn Kenpo Online

    • 1). Look up information on exactly what type of martial art Kenpo is. This info will give you a deeper understanding of the history, techniques and philosophy of Kenpo. If these values align with your own and the type of techniques that will be taught are what you are looking for in a martial arts course, then investigate further to find online lessons.

    • 2). Visit a website such as or to view video lessons. These lessons cover the basics and, with practice, they will give you a good foundation to build on if you choose to move on to a face-to-face class or register for online Kenpo tutorials.

    • 3). Sign up for a class or find another individual/mentor to practice your Kenpo skills. Sparring is essential in cementing martial art skills because you are exercising them and learning to use your skills instinctively rather than on a purely mental level. Kenpo is all about reacting instinctively with your body to disarm or thwart an attacker.

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