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Chemical Free Gardening: Top Tips For An Organic Garden

Gardening is known by most people to be a relaxing and therapeutic hobby. Getting the right kind of soil and knowing when to start planning are two important parts of gardening. Here you will find some helpful tips for the garden.

Know what grows in your region. When you see the wide variety of seed packets offered online, it is easy to get sucked into the idea of growing everything and anything! In reality, though, only some of them may flourish in your regional environment. Study up on your region and what crops can survive.

Spend the additional money to fence in your garden. You are about to make real investment in time and money to create a garden of your own, but it can all go to waste through the stomping feet of playful children, pets and other small animals. Protect your investment with a small fence that keeps the kids and critters out.

When gardening, be sure to look closely for stink bug infestation, especially during Autumn. Stinkbugs are most prevalent on tomatoes, beans and peppers. Stink bugs may get out of hand and do significant damage in your garden. It is important to take steps to eliminate them from that area.

Yes, you really have to weed. Weeds and gardens do not mix; they will destroy your garden. A great way to get rid of them is to use white vinegar. White vinegar kills weeds. If you are too busy to pull weeds by hand, make a white vinegar solution and keep it handy for a quick spray when needed.

Use a solution made of a combination of alcohol, water, and vinegar to remove the salt deposits that may accrue in clay pots. Spray it on the pots and scrub away with a brush, preferably plastic. This allows you to continue to reuse those clay pots! Make sure the pots are dry before using them though.

Plant a new and different edible each week. Eating tomatoes or corn every day can get old real quick, but if a variety is planted, this problem will never happen. The garden can offer a wide variety of different edible plants and if they come to maturity at the same time the variety will make the garden more enjoyable and more fun.

Plant your garden in stages. Put in a new vegetable every week, or plant vegetables with different maturation speeds when you do your planting. This helps prevent you from having a large harvest all at once, and will better allow you to enjoy the fruits (and vegetables!) of your labors.

For an unusual, but effective, organic solution to weeding young plants, try "boiling" the weeds away. A pot of very hot water is one of the most effective ways you can get rid of the weeds in your garden. Douse the weeds with this pot, just avoid the nearby plants. Boiling water will actually hurt the roots, and it will prevent the weeds from growing.

Pay attention to the temperatures in your garden. When it is early, or late, in the season there is a chance that your plants could be exposed to frost. Freezing temperatures will cause many plants to die, and some that live will not produce at the level they would have otherwise.

Install a sprinkler system to water your garden. It can be difficult to find the time to water your plants each day, particularly if you work outside of the home. Proper hydration is essential to the success of your garden, so putting in a simple sprinkler system can save you time and energy.

You can enjoy fresh corn from your garden for an extended time during the summer by making several plantings. About a week after you plant your first few rows, make another planting of a few more rows. As the harvest from your first planting begins to dwindle, your next planting will be nearing maturity. Depending on the length of the summer season in your area, you might be able to make several plantings.

Use scale, color and texture in your garden to improve interest. Use plants of different heights, putting small ones in front and tall ones in the back. Add a few plants that have deep maroon leaves, which looks great next to greenery. Plant a tree or shrub that changes to oranges and golds in autumn, and mix small-leafed plants with larger-leafed or spiky plants, such as agave.

It is important to treat roses before they are attracted by bugs. There are insecticides that you can purchase at any garden supply store that should eliminate or deter bugs from attacking your rose bushes. It is best to treat the bushes before there are any signs of a bug problem.

Know the benefits of composting. Composting is one of the best things you can do for your organic garden. Composting improves moisture levels, promotes fertility, and stimulates plant roots. You can start your own composting at home, and reduce your household waste, as well as get free food for your garden.

When trying to add compost to your organic garden, find a better way to get the compost there. It can be a pain to have to move wheel-barrows of compost to your garden. You could try layering newspaper down the walkways of your garden, and adding straw to the top. Near the end of the season, the compost will be ready to be added to your garden and you only have to move it from the walkway to the beds on each side.

As said previously, gardening can be rewarding if you are knowledgeable about the subject. With the right advice and proper planning, you'll soon have a thriving garden. Apply the garden laid out here and you will soon enjoy a gorgeous garden you grew yourself.

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