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Is Your Realtor Trying to Push You Into Buying a Resale Home Over a New Construction?

When you're looking into purchasing a home in today's economy you're hit with two options, resale or new? You want to get your money's worth, but aren't sure which is the best for you.
Well we are here to inform you and help you make a better decision, however more than likely your Realtor will tell you that buying a previously owned home is the way to go because it is cheaper, but when you look more closely at both types of homes you will see that this isn't necessarily true.
A used home is more likely to need major repairs and updates, which can cause a huge strain on your wallet.
There's repainting, reflooring, recarpeting, and many older homes have problems with their foundation, roofs, insulation, and wood rotting.
Also, the home will lack the most energy efficient, and money saving, systems and appliances that are found in new homes.
In addition to having green features, new homes are built with the carpeting, flooring, and paint that you want.
The materials used to build the home will be the latest, most eco-friendly products that will protect your home against the environment, without harming it in the process.
You won't have the stress of repairing the whole house, and if by chance something does go wrong, a normal builder's warranty lasts for at least a year so you can rely on them to pay for the repairs.
Perhaps one of the best parts of buying a new home is that you will be able to customize it to your taste, whereas with resale homes you have to conform to whatever the layout of the house is already.
When working with a builder you can choose the design you want, the floor plans that suit you best, and in this way have a direct hand in the building of your house.
So instead of being hit with unforeseen bills due to problems in a used home, choose the more reliable option and build your own custom home.
So many times I have seen where customers buy used homes only to find out weeks or months after purchase that they have to replace half of the hardi plank siding on their house.
These unforeseen problems can be be avoided by the comfort of having a warranty with your new home purchase.
These are just a few of the pros and cons of purchasing a new home over a resale.

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