Health & Medical Beauty & Style

How to Make a Baseball Hat Smaller

    • 1). Use a spray bottle to spray water along the inside rim of the hat, also known as the headband. Spray enough so that the band feels wet when you pinch it, but does not drip with water.

    • 2). Leave the hat out in the sunshine or use a hair dryer to dry it. If possible, place the hat on a wig stand while drying, to ensure that it dries in the proper head-shaped form. Check the hat regularly by trying it on and making sure it is not shrinking too much. Once it is the proper size, wear it immediately or remove it from the heat source to avoid further shrinkage.

    • 3). Repeat Steps 1 and 2 if the hat is still too large. Use more water and dry it with the hair dryer rather than sunlight. The hair dryer produces more direct heat than sunlight, so it is the better option for more extreme shrink jobs.

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