Health & Medical Mental Health

Newport Personal Trainer Sam O'sullivan Explains: The Main 3 Mistakes Personal Trainers Make

Newport Personal Trainer, Sam O'Sullivan explains the top 3 mistakes that many personal trainers in South Wales are making. Sam O'Sullivan runs a highly sucessful Newport personal trainiung business and runs south wales boot camps throughout South Wales. He has manged 7 personal trainers in Newport in a Fitness Mangers role in a Newport Health Club and now manages 16 cardiff personal trainers in a cardiff health club.

These tips will help any personal trainer, starting out in the business. So here are my 3 tips:

1. It's not about you!

Stop talking about you!! Your prospect doesn't give a shit how long you've been a trainer for or what letters you have after your name or how many meaningless (In their mind) qualifications you have. They care about themselves and what they want so focus on them for once. Tell them how you can help them. Start with a strong headline that will make them want to hear what you have to say and read on. Get into the habit of thinking about what your prospect is looking for (A good starting point is to actually ask them!!) and use this throughout your marketing. Don't talk about you, talk about how you can help them. Start thinking in terms of how you can benefit your prospects rather than just listing all the features of your personal training. If you do list features, then follow them up with the benefit to your prospect. For example the sport specific trainer shouldn't just say that he has a kettlebell qualification (that is the feature) he should follow it up with a benefit: " I am a qualified kettlebell instructor so I use kettlebells to improve your speed and explosive power to make you a better sprinter"

2. Not asking for referrals

Most personal trainers are too worried about asking their existing clients for referrals, they think it will piss their clients off and annoy them. The fact is that your clients want to see you succeed. If you ask them for help in growing your business they will more often than not go out of their way to help you. It goes back to reciprocation again. You are helping them achieve their goals and make a difference to their lives and let them know that they can help you make a difference to your business by telling everyone they know about your services and referring people to do a trial session with you. Reward them for bringing you referrals, always let them know how much you appreciate their help and they will be happy to help you grow your business.

3. Selling 'blocks of sessions'

Too many personal trainers still run their business by selling blocks of sessions. This is bad news. The preferred method is to use a monthly EFT collection system so that your clients pay by electronic funds transfer each month directly into your account for a number of sessions perĀ  month. This is so much better because you don't have to keep reselling to the same person every 6 weeks. We've all had that awkward moment where you have to ask your client if they want to buy another 10 sessions, avoid it by using EFT. This alone will increase the amount of income you make because it is a regular, recurring income. This is the only way to build a strong reliable foundation for your PT business. If you're doing it any other way you are a plank.

Take these tips on board from Sam O'Sullivan. This personal trainer is highly regarded in South Wales providing personal trainer service from Mountain Ash to Magor.

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