Home & Garden Home Improvement

Storm Water Damage and Repairs

The Environment Agency estimates that the cost of repairing water damage from flooding by an average of about 28,000 compared to a relatively lean for 7300 fire damage.
If you think you live in an area prone to flooding and weather forecasts, you can see if you're at risk by visiting the website of the Federal Environment Agency.
The most obvious thing to do is move all valuables that could be affected by water damage at a higher level, of how harm.
Let us do with personal values: family photos, and videos to replace anything.
If you are able bodied and altruistic feeling that your services provide to your neighbors to lift heavy objects and they could act alone.
Do you have elderly or disabled neighbors who might need help? Check your insurance coverage.
Considering that it is against the floods and repairing water damage? If you had your insurance for several years, they could change their policy.
Best of all, it directly by phone.
Water damage to power lines can be very dangerous.
Make sure you know how to separate electricity, gas and water.
Never touch the sources of energy by standing in flood.
A professional should check the wiring of your house and all electrical equipment susceptible to water damage before it is safe to use again.
Build an emergency kit against flooding.
Consider everything that may be useful in an emergency includes: a flashlight, waterproof clothing, blankets, a first aid kit and a portable radio.
Make sure that the summit is held.
Avoid getting water as you can.
A less obvious is to bring prevention in sinks and bathtubs, swaying with a sandbag, a pillowcase filled with garden soil or a heavy object with water in toilet and sink support avoided.
Flooding can cause sewage and infectious disease, if possible, ensures that you do well after exposure, especially before handling food.
If severe flooding occurs, it is unfortunately not what you can do to prevent water damage requiring repairs.
Beware of insurers and their subcontractors.
Because the recovery of water damage after high tide are expensive and distributed to all municipalities, insurance companies are reluctant to pay full application to the insured.
Some independent contractors provide a treatment with your insurance company and ensure that you get what you need.

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