Business & Finance Home Based Business

Home Business Idea: Mary Moppins Distributor or Affiliate

About Mary Findley

Mary Findley is a veteran cleaning expert and President of Mary Moppins Co. Mary?s expertise and experience lead her to create a home business that distributes a line of cleaning products called the Mary Moppins Cleaning System that is steadily growing in popularity nationwide.

Mary is nationally recognized cleaning expert who has published articles in both newspapers and national magaizines.

The book she coauthored, "The Complete Idiots Guide to Cleaning", is available in bookstores across the US.

Mary is in the process of establishing a nationwide network of distributors who are interested in growing their own home based business by distributing proven products for the home.

In this interview Mary and I discuss the Mary Moppins business opportunity along with the trials and tribulations of operating a home business and what it takes to be successful. The interview should not be construed as an endorsement of this business opportunity and as always, you are strongly encouraged to research and gather as much information as possible before making any decisions to become involved in any home business opporunity.

How long has Mary Moppins been in business?

The mop was developed close to 20 years ago with the company being formed in 1992. It all started while I was professionally cleaning homes and became frustrated with the only mops available at the time, which were sponge or string mops.

The more I tinkered in the garage trying to devise a system that would hold terry cloth towels, the better the mop worked. The first four or five years of business were spent both cleaning houses and developing the company.

How did you come up with the name, "Mary Moppins"?

A few of my friends and I were having lunch one day and one of them asked me when I was going to change the name of my company. At the time it was Northwest Mop and she felt the name never really represented the company especially since I was expanding into so many niche areas like RVs and boats. The prior evening another friend had been watching Mary Poppins with her children and she said "Mary Moppins." The four of us unanimously loved the name and it will forever be the company name. The honesty, integrity and kindness that Mary Poppins represents in the movie is the backbone of Mary Moppins as well.

Have you, your business or your products won any awards or received special recognition?

In 1995 the Eugene Chamber of Commerce presented me with the Arcturus Award, which is the first star you see in the evening. It is the Oregon Business Rising Star award for a small company with great business promise.

Lehman's Hardware also awarded me in 1996 with a commendation for business partners who have contributed to their success in special ways such as outstanding customer service and providing their customers with outstanding products.

My mops were featured on QVC in 1997.

Since publishing cleaning articles for many websites, I am now a consultant for several major magazines such as Woman's World and Woman's Day and have been in the New York Times as well as several other major magazine and newspapers.

I am a member of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce and am a member of the Better Business Bureau after being invited by the Bureau to join. Invitations are only given to companies with excellent service records.

What kind of work did you do before you started your Mary Moppins business? Did you have any kind of entrepreneurial or self-employment experience?

I spent the 12 years professionally cleaning homes developing my mop during that time. Before that I was in accounting and bookkeeping.

Tell me a little about your book, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cleaning.

The book was coauthored by Linda Formichelli and me. Linda is a professional author and delightful humorist with several books and many articles to her credit. Alpha Publishing had already given her the contract to write the book. She found me on the Internet through several of my articles that are posted on various websites and contacted me after trying several of the tips. Since they worked so well she figured I knew the cleaning business and we became a team.

We started writing in June of 2005 and the book landed in bookstores across the United States in January of 2006. It is available on my website as well. I would have been a "Complete Idiot" for turning down her offer to coauthor the book! It has been wonderful to hear from so many people that my suggestions have solved their cleaning problems when everything else failed.

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