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How to Heat Above-Ground Pools

    • 1). Calculate your pool's surface area. For circular above-ground pools, the surface area is the radius X radius X pi, which is a half-length of pool X half-length of pool X 3.14. For oval above-ground pools, the surface area is half the length X half the width X 3.14. This step will help you select the most appropriate heater for your pool.

    • 2). Decide if you want a natural gas or propane heater. Research which is more accessible and affordable in your region and let that be your deciding factor. You don't want to be stuck paying more because you made the wrong choice.

    • 3). Buy a pool heater. Pool heaters are measured in BTUs. One BTU heats one pound of water by one degree, so the more BTUs a heater has, the faster it will heat your pool, according to Pool Info. This will save you money because you won't have to run your heater for as long.

    • 4). Monitor and regulate your pool's pH balance before putting in the heater, and frequently after that. A low pH balance is more acidic and will cause corrosion on your pool heater, according to Pool Info, and a high pH balance will damage your heater's plumbing. The pH needs to be between 7.2 and 7.8. Using a standard pH scale, which can be purchased at pool supply stores, take a sample of the water and adjust accordingly upon measurement.

    • 5). Install your above-ground pool heater. Lay out all of the parts to ensure you have everything you need. The best place for the heater is near the pool in a cleared area with no tall grass or obstacles around it. The key is to make sure the heater has some space around it so it can "breathe," so to speak.

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