Aggressive Cat Behavior - You Can Show Your Cat A Different Way Of Life
Cats are one of the best pets to own.
They are independent, smart and inexpensive.
However, occasionally a cat will exhibit aggressive cat behavior.
In this case, the owner must confer with his or her veterinarian to resolve the issue.
If a cat is aggressive and in need of cat control, a professional can offer suggestions on how to find an appropriate solution.
Cat doctors, as well as trainers, can assist in tempering aggressive cat behavior.
In addition, pet psychologists may help to root out the problem, locating it at its source.
It wasn't always considered appropriate or logical to use cat psychology.
However, nowadays, pet owners realize that this may help to discover core reasons for aggressive cat behavior.
As with humans, animals learn about trust and how that trust can be broken.
Abuse or abandonment by previous owners often leaves cats frightened of human contact and ready to lash out when they feel threatened.
This is a primary source of aggressive cat behavior.
In order to gain cat control, a loving and accepting environment must be created.
If you show a cat that you can be trusted, the cat will in turn show you kindness and affection.
One of the best things you can give a cat is space.
Unlike dogs, cats thrive on independent lifestyles.
They do not appreciate being coddled and overly adored.
Cats have killer instincts which tell them to hunt and teach them to be cautious of strangers.
If a cat seems jumpy, it is not necessarily displaying aggressive cat behavior, but rather doing what its nature tells it to do.
True aggressive cat traits and characteristics include things such as clawing humans, violently hissing as a threat to another cat or person, scratching or swatting, and pouncing upon other pets or people.
These are all clues that your cat suffers from trust issues.
In other words, a cat who shows these behaviors is merely trying to overcompensate for protection.
With patience, knowledge, a tender heart, space and lots of love, you can show your cat a different way to live.
However it is very important to learn to speak and understand CAT Language in order to react appropriately as these behaviors arise.
They are independent, smart and inexpensive.
However, occasionally a cat will exhibit aggressive cat behavior.
In this case, the owner must confer with his or her veterinarian to resolve the issue.
If a cat is aggressive and in need of cat control, a professional can offer suggestions on how to find an appropriate solution.
Cat doctors, as well as trainers, can assist in tempering aggressive cat behavior.
In addition, pet psychologists may help to root out the problem, locating it at its source.
It wasn't always considered appropriate or logical to use cat psychology.
However, nowadays, pet owners realize that this may help to discover core reasons for aggressive cat behavior.
As with humans, animals learn about trust and how that trust can be broken.
Abuse or abandonment by previous owners often leaves cats frightened of human contact and ready to lash out when they feel threatened.
This is a primary source of aggressive cat behavior.
In order to gain cat control, a loving and accepting environment must be created.
If you show a cat that you can be trusted, the cat will in turn show you kindness and affection.
One of the best things you can give a cat is space.
Unlike dogs, cats thrive on independent lifestyles.
They do not appreciate being coddled and overly adored.
Cats have killer instincts which tell them to hunt and teach them to be cautious of strangers.
If a cat seems jumpy, it is not necessarily displaying aggressive cat behavior, but rather doing what its nature tells it to do.
True aggressive cat traits and characteristics include things such as clawing humans, violently hissing as a threat to another cat or person, scratching or swatting, and pouncing upon other pets or people.
These are all clues that your cat suffers from trust issues.
In other words, a cat who shows these behaviors is merely trying to overcompensate for protection.
With patience, knowledge, a tender heart, space and lots of love, you can show your cat a different way to live.
However it is very important to learn to speak and understand CAT Language in order to react appropriately as these behaviors arise.