Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

The Easiest Way To Make Money As An Affiliate

Copyright (c) 2008 Charles Boustany

Perhaps you don't even know what affiliate marketing is! This is a brief refresher course just in case you are not up to date on what's going on with affiliate marketing today.

In the next few paragraphs were going to talk about what affiliate marketing is and easiest way to make money as an affiliate.

As an affiliate you will act as a middleman between a prospective customer and your affiliate merchant. In the off-line business world you would be known as a retail outlet or a retail store.

The simplicity of affiliate marketing is that you get paid to sell somebody else's product. There are many different affiliate marketing programs that you can join for free.

The easiest way to make money as an affiliate marketer is to us get paid for selling advertising on your website. The most popular way to do this is to join the Google Adsense affiliate program.

Google is the largest search engine in the world and they have a wonderful affiliate program that will pay you for promoting their advertisers websites. Placing a snippet of code on every page you want the add to show up is made so easy.

Google does the rest of it for you because they are able to match the theme of your website with the advertisers and instantly display those advertisers on your page.

What makes this an easy way for you to make money is every time somebody clicks on one of those ads you earn a small commission. Sometimes it's a few pennies per click or it could be several dollars per click.

The reason we say this is the easiest way to make money is because you do not have to do anything once you place the ads on your website except get traffic to the page. You're not selling anything, so you are not asking your visitor to open their credit card and buy something from you.

Keep it simple the less you ask of your prospective customers the easier it is for them. The downside of course is you are only making a small amount of money per click so you have to make that up in volume.

There are people who make thousands of dollars every month as a Google affiliate, because they have thousands of pages with Google ads on them. Regardless of whether you want to make just a few dollars or make a lot of money, the easiest way to do it as an affiliate is with the Google Adsense affiliate program.

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