Health & Medical Diabetes

The Best Supplements For Those With Diabetes

Worldwide diabetes affects many millions of people and can have some very serious health implications.
High blood sugar levels can lead to heart disease, amputation, blindness and in some cases even death.
But with the understanding that we now have about the disease it is easier than ever to control blood sugar levels and live a long and healthy life.
You need to get exercise and maintain a healthy weight as well eat a balanced and nutritious diet.
Because many people these days do not eat the right foods or eat foods that are depleted of nutrients it is also necessary to know which are the best supplements that can aid you.
Once someone is diagnosed with diabetes it is important to be diligent in taking prescription drugs that are prescribed by your doctor to control sugar levels.
Diabetes is hereditary so for people that have a family history it is important to consume foods that contain the right vitamins and nutrients that can help lower blood sugar.
MAGNESIUM This is one of the essential minerals that we require to lower sugar levels.
Another benefit that it provides is the ability to help those with severe cases of diabetes avoid blindness.
Recent research has linked low levels of the metal to the onset of retinopathy which is a disease that can cause blindness in diabetics.
VITAMIN E Vitamin E aids people with diabetes in two very important ways.
First it boosts the production as well as the effectiveness of insulin which makes it easier for the body to get rid of blood sugar.
Secondly it is very important to people with diabetes because it can help to prevent blood platelets from clumping.
When clumping occurs the blood can not flow properly from the heart causing heart disease.
It is very important to note that research shows us that people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop heart disease as people who are not diabetic.
VITAMIN C This is an antioxidant that is helpful to those with diabetes.
It can also aid by helping to lower blood sugar.
It allows insulin to filter sugar out of the blood and into the cells in the body that require it.
It also reduces blood sugar by helping insulin to penetrate the cells in the body.
It acts as an insulin booster.
CHROMIUM Apples, whole wheat products, corn, grapefruit and tomatoes are all excellent dietary sources of chromium.
This is another mineral that can act to help reduce the levels of sugar in the blood.
Like vitamin E it also increases the effectiveness of insulin.
Studies have linked low chromium levels with high blood sugar levels and diabetes.
CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D A combination of vitamin D and calcium is an excellent way to control the level of blood sugar.
Recent research done at Harvard University concluded that women who had high intakes of vitamin D were 28% less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.
Other recent studies have concluded that those with high calcium diets were less likely to develop diabetes and blood sugar levels were more normal.
There are a number of doctors who advocate that those that are at risk of developing diabetes should consume milk and other dairy products that are high in both of these nutrients.
In summary, by having an understanding of the best supplements and vitamins you can effectively lower blood sugar and aid diabetes.
With the advances in medicine that we have seen over the years it makes it less likely that people will die from this disease.

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