Home & Garden Architecture

How to Cover a Kitchen Soffit

    • 1). Hang short, decorative objects on the soffit. Attach wire plate hangers, and clip a collection of ceramic plates into place across the soffit. Nail woven baskets in a row across the span. Hang a line of framed pictures or paintings across the soffit, with each one touching the next for fuller coverage.

    • 2). Cover the soffit by installing crown or similar type of molding that extends the entire distance from the top of the cabinets to the point at which the soffit meets the ceiling. Pick a finish that blends with the cabinets so the molding looks like an extension of them.

    • 3). Cover the kitchen soffit with a short curtain or fabric piece. Measure the dimensions of the soffit, and cut an existing curtain or fabric piece to fit. Hem the top and bottom for a finished appearance. Span a curtain wire or curtain rod across the soffit and hang the curtain in place.

    • 4). Add a layer of tile on the kitchen soffit. Tiles cover the soffit and add an element of texture. Create anything from a detailed mosaic picture to a simple ceramic tile pattern, depending on your preference.

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