Health & Medical Mental Health

Anxiety Treatment - The Essential Methods to Stop Fear

Anxiety treatment is all about stopping the underlying fear if it's any good.
If you suffer with anxiety, you already know that there is always an underlying fear, I want you to think right now, what is your fear? You don't need to write it down or anything like that, but you should be aware of it.
If you don't know initially you can ask yourself a question that will help.
One of the questions you can ask yourself is simply, "What am I afraid is going to happen right now?" If you ask yourself while you are feeling anxiety, you'll be able to pinpoint the fear that is causing your anxiety.
Now anxiety treatment is good to help people face their fears, especially when they don't use medication.
This medicine actually can hinder a sufferer of anxiety because they are of the mindset that "It was the medicine and not me.
" In reality, medication cannot make you do anything, it may make you feel like you can do things but in reality it is always you who does them.
If you learn how to lean on your own strength, then the progress that you make you'll automatically credit to yourself and your strength as opposed to some pill you take every day.
Many people think medication when they think about anxiety treatment.
They are not really sure if anything else helps.
Truly stopping anxiety requires the sufferer to be in the situation that is causing them stress and to let I flood their entire being.
They need to go through the fire in order to become free from anxiety on the other side.
It's not unlike purifying gold.
When we first find gold in the earth, it is mixed with a bunch of impurities, in order to get rid of these impurities, they put the gold through a very hot fire that melts them away and allows them to separate the unwanted impurities with the pure gold.
The same holds true for anxiety.
Effective anxiety treatment will put you through a mental fire so that the unwanted anxiety thoughts can be stripped from your mind.
Your brain needs to see proof that the irrational fears that you are having are not going to happen and often times your brain needs to see this proof many times, this is simply how our brains learn, by repetition.
Remember when you were in kindergarten and they gave you that piece of paper with the huge lines on it and they instructed you to write the letter "A" over and over again until you understood and learned how to write it.
So you can see that not only is using fear facing is an essential method in anxiety treatment, it also requires repetition so that your brain can become desensitized to its fears.
Desensitization is also an essential method to stop fear.
Fear is the battery that powers anxiety and if you disconnect that battery, anxiety dies and you end up like a person without abnormal levels of anxiety and you can return to society as a productive member.
Of course there are many deeper issues that need to be assessed but this is a great start.

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