Health & Medical Lose Weight

Top Foods to Lose Weight

The scent that makes you skinny (effortlessly).
Simply smelling a peach can help you shed 24 pounds this month without dieting, report scientists at the Chicago's Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation.
"Sweet scents trick the brain into feeling full, so food intake drops", says study author Alan Hirsch, M.
"The effect is so powerful, subjects lost up to 6 pounds per week.
" 2.
Lose Weight just by Eating Yogurt
Calcium is proven to help you lose weight: Research links calcium with lower cortisol production, and it has been proven that women who increase they're intake lose up to 40% more weight than calcium avoiders.
Amazing Slimming Power of Peppers
Adding ground pepper to high-fat meals significantly speeds fat-melting metabolism by 30% for more than 3 hours after eating, findings in the British Journal of Nutrition reveal.
And just a pinch of cayenne pepper or a spoonful of chopped jalapenos added to a dish can deliver the weight-loss benefits.
Get Rid of Abdominal Fat by Eating Avocado Fruit
Actually, the key to getting rid of abdominal or belly fat is eating more fat - specifically, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which fuel brainpower and prevent the body from becoming physiologically stressed.
Without enough MUFAs, levels of the stress hormone cortisol spike, and new research has linked excess cortisol with fat accumulation in the abdomen.
Avocados and peanuts are some of the rich sources of MUFAs.
Boost weight loss success by as much as 33% just by eating Apples.
Noshing on an unpeeled apple can eliminate cravings and increase the amount of weight you lose on any diet by 33%.
A recent study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that enjoying an apple before a meal curbs appetite for up to 4 hours, and Brazilian researchers discovered that the habit can boost weight loss success by as much as 33%.
Having an apple before lunch prevents the blood sugar dips that trigger cravings for sweets or carbohydrates later in the day.
The reason for this amazing weight loss boost: Apples are one of the richest sources of pectin, a soluble fiber that turns into a sticky gel-like substance in the gut and adheres to simple sugar, stalling their absorption into the bloodstream, according to Cambridge University Researchers.
Lose Weight by drinking Peppermint Tea
While British women are known for their strange fad diets, like the "eat only curried beets" plan, the latest U.
trend which is drinking peppermint tea, may actually work.
Drinking six cups of the brew daily helped dieters shed 30 pounds in six months.
The reason: A peppermint-leaf compound called menthofuran signals fullness in the brain's satiety center, which helps people eat less.
Have a Mushy Middle? Add Broccoli florets to your Salad to rid your love handles
Add four or five broccoli florets if you're having a salad to raise the body's levels of the enzyme glutathione S-transferase (GST) by up to 42% and lose that stubborn belly fat.
GST quadruples the rate at which the liver flushes the body of fat-trapping toxins and burns fat for fuel, tapping into the fat stores located nearest to it (the belly) first! 8.
Get a taut tummy just by eating Cranberries.
Cranberries contain the hard-to-get trio of malic, citric and quinic acids.
These compounds bind fat in the belly region to cellular fluid for efficient removal by the lymphatic system, giving you a flat belly.
Plus, the berries' arbutin mimics the hormone insulin to prevent unhealthy fluctuations in blood sugar- and the cravings that accompany them.
Lose more weight and burn more fat by drinking milk
People pursuing a healthy weight could lose more weight and burn more fat: by including 24 ounces a day of low-fat or fat-free milk in their reduced-calorie diet, instead of 8 ounces or less, studies suggest.
Drink a small glass (8 oz.
) of milk at each meal.
Or work milk into your diet by pouring it on your cereal (4 oz.
), having a latte (10 oz.
), and making soup with milk (10 oz.
It all adds up to healthy weight loss.
To counteract a binge, keep your body's fat-burning furnace running on full blast by drinking Green Tea
Green Tea contains caffeine and the antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is proven to boost metabolic rate.
In fact, in a recent 3 month study, participants who took Green Tea extract lost 4.
6% of their body weight without changing their diet.
To get the benefit, drink Green Tea at least 3 cups a day.
Boost Fat-burning Metabolic Rate by 50% by Drinking Coffee
Drinking coffee before a meal can suppress appetite by 35%, plus boost fat-burning metabolic rate by 50% That's according to extensive research at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.
A nice cup of coffee or tea can help you get over any snack cravings.
Green or herbal teas are a great choice because of the extra health benefits.
The study-proven dose: 250 mg of caffeine daily, taken either in supplement form or by drinking two cups of coffee or 4 cups of tea.
Bonus: Caffeine acts as a diuretic, which means it increases the amount of urine you excrete.
This water loss may temporarily decrease your body weight.
Outsmart Snack Attacks for 4 hours and Lose Weight with Berries
Savoring Berries can outsmart snack attacks for 4 hours and help you shed 5% of your body weight in 6 months.
The credit goes to dozens of blood sugar stabilizing antioxidants.
Blueberries are so packed with them, just a half cup daily can boost your blood levels by 100%.
Reduce Caloric Intake with Pears
Studies at the Smell n Taste Treatment Research Foundation in Chicago reveal that inhaling sweet scents like the aroma of prickly Pear activates the brain's satiety center, reducing caloric intake enough to lose 5 pounds monthly.
Speed weight loss and double energy levels by eating Coconuts.
This tropical treats contain medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), a unique fat that is shuttled straight to the liver and immediately burned for fuel.
Research shows this little detour revs metabolic rate by up to 50%, speeding weight loss and doubling energy levels.
Quinoa for Weight Loss
What makes Quinoa a Super Weight Loss Food? Swapping whole grains for refined carbs is a smart way to add extra nutrition- and waist-whittling perks- to comfort foods.
But instead of reaching for the same-old brown rice, consider Quinoa.
This hearty seed (a relative of spinach and Swiss chard) contains plenty of stomach-satisfying insoluble fiber.
But here's the difference: One cup of cooked quinoa also packs 9 grams of protein (nearly twice as much as brown rice), which was shown in British studies to trigger the release of the hunger-reducing hormone peptide YY.
This potent combo of fiber and protein means you'll feel full and enjoy a steady stream of energy that lasts up to 12 hours, according to research in The New England Journal of Medicine.
Learn what are the Best Foods to Lose Weight Effectively and effortlessly.

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