Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Blessing 2009 and Planning for 2010

Blessing the Past and Moving Ahead
This is a sacred season. We have opportunity to count all of our blessings from 2009 while making a road map of how we see 2010 planning out for us. With all of the hustle and bustle going on, are we taking advantage of quiet moments to complete and consciously move forward?

Let's first look at 2009. Look for the Gratitudes in the past year. Many people have had some difficulties but if difficulties are all we focus on, then we will only attract more of that in 2010. Making the 2009 Gratitude List is where we begin our completing 2009 process.
1. I always suggest to clients that they purchase a lovely book for a Journal or they can decorate it with pictures of things they hope to manifest in the coming year.

2. Begin the Journal as we are describing in this letter, with all of the things you have to be thankful for. Really stretch your imagination. Some years, I know from personal experience can be hard to dig in past sorrow and find happiness. That is when you must dig deep. I am so happy and grateful for the breath of life! I am so happy and grateful for the blue sky! I am so happy and grateful for my ability to write this! I am so happy and grateful for a new day and new beginnings.

3. Leave room for additions to the Gratitude list as your imagination soars past any and all negativity.

4. Let's move to forgiveness now. Create a list of things, people and situations you want to consciously forgive. Spill it all out. Forgiveness is a huge part of the healing process and is integral to moving forward and letting go the past. Leave room on the page for additions.

5. Make a list of all the things in 2009 that simply did not work for you, ignoring that doesn't make it any better. Be truthful! What actions did you take in 2009 that you have learned from?

6. Make a list of all the things that did work for you in 2009.

7. Create a resolution about 2009. It can be something like €In 2009 I learned I am more of a people person, not meant to be so much on the computer for work.€ In other words, a situation could have seemed like a waste of your time but what did you learn from it?

8. Now you are ready to move directly into 2010. Create a list of ten goals. You could even place each goal on its own page.

9. Under each one list the problems that could arise; directly after, state a solution to the seeming problem.

10. Underneath, list all of the action steps you will take to achieve your goal. State a time line by which it will be accomplished, list how you will do the action, what you will need, who you will ask to assist or support or fund the action, Finally, mark the date it is actually complete.

Make 2010 a grand year. Be determined to continue growing and flourishing. You absolutely can do that. Remember, if you can think it, dream it, and believe in yourself, you will achieve your goals. You will! Welcome to 2010 and all newness and possibility.

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