Business & Finance Corporations

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

So true is this statement.
With Christmas and New Year round the corner most of us would be busy thinking what we can do in the New Year or should I say what would be our New Year resolution.
But as I said in the beginning "God helps those who helps themselves" you need to help yourself to create that difference and of course we have Google helping us in every phase of our life.
Have you ever thought how much we are dependent upon Google and its various services? Earlier were the days when we used to get all the information about a particular thing from either the market or from some known acquaintance.
But now we can surely say that the world has become a small place and that everything is available at your "Desktop" I mean computer.
Google the biggest pool of resource where I guess millions of people have a close eye on the latest developments.
Where some businesses gain life and some end life.
I read the book called "Search" by John Batelle where he has tried to present in front of us the journey of Google from Stanford University up to Silicon City where it is now.
Believe me the journey hasn't been simple.
They have worked day in day out to create a search engine of such high value for you.
They also believed in what I said, "God helps those who help themselves".
The entire objective of writing this article is to help all the marketers wake up and start thinking out of the block.
Time has come when marketers should start building on strategies, which are not the usual ones.
When the entire web is moving on to the next phase called the Web 2.
Search Engine Optimization has also moved on.
Previously when the marketers were only concentrating on the On-Site optimization strategies and they used to think that once you have done that properly rankings are bound to come.
This held true for most of the time.
But after the much known 2000 incident which was mostly due to Google's attack on spamsters that led to success of Forums and Communities discussing and rumor mills abuzz with news, which could have brought the downfall of Google.
But it worked well for Google, as they would discuss why did they do so and in the process they realized that the user interaction also holds great importance.
With that came the wave of blog rolls and social bookmarking sites and also followed the Article Submissions, which made them discuss what the site was all about.
People especially users started discussing them and that is when search engines realized how important it is to know what user is discussing and whether the site stood in the good books of the users.
This was obviously not the only parameter for ranking but it was one of the important parameters because when you are being discussed whether good or bad it acts as an substitute to your website content.
Previously and still it continues to be that way where Google spiders the new content and decides your ranking based on the content and the links and when you are discussing and commenting on blog spots and making an article submission it simply provides content to SE's as well as it provides a permanent link back to your website.
So is the case when you are using social bookmarking websites like Delicious and Digg, which works on the principal that when you are bookmarking a popular site Google has been assigning value for that.
Similarly for Blog Posts, RSS feeds, Social Bookmarking and Press Releases.
Google has shifted its momentum on these aspects of web.
I am not saying that what was there such as On-page and Off-Page optimization that we used to do previously is a bad practice.
I just want the marketer to also understand the importance of these Off Page factors, which are also important, and to an extent logical.
Imagine a site like the one of University of Texas which may be ranking for popular keywords but there is a huge chunk of people who visit the popular discussion forums to know the affiliation and whether a person like me should join the university.
A close user interaction is something that is very important for such kind of sites.
Every body must be familiar with Orkut and Face books, which have grown popularity over the course of years.
Why is it that Google thought about launching a social community site called Orkut? Their biggest reason was to create a user base that can come together and discuss about various issues that might be of great importance to you.
This is what is driving the masses today and that is where Google is focusing its attention upon unlike the traditional way of getting links from the websites of similar themes through link building.
Now you can even report a paid link and Spam link farms which suggests that link building is losing its relevancy.
So I want to state in the end that we as SEO experts and Online Marketing Consultants we should always stay ahead of change and this is change.
I mean a welcome change.
Taking web to the next level is always good and we always believe that a Search Engines and for that matter websites should always be User friendly and what better way then making it a more public centric through Blogs, Web Directories, Articles, Social bookmarking, Social networking and RSS feed, Press releases.
All this has contributed in taking the web to what we call WEB 2.
0 (I am not discussing the technical developments) for Search Engines.
So wake up people and especially web marketers adorn the change.
Think out of the boxes and make sure that you are there on all the fronts.

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