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Reckless Driving in Traffic

While driving in heavy traffic raises the risk that a person will be involved in an accident, it can be a necessary evil if you regularly commute around large cities.
Though traffic jams are irritating, particularly if you are trying to make it to a time sensitive appointment or event on schedule, remaining calm and driving carefully will usually allow a driver to make it through the situation unscathed.
Unfortunately, some drivers allow the frustration of stop-and-go traffic to get to them, and resort to reckless driving practices in order to try to reduce the time delays.
It is understandable that sitting in heavy traffic can weigh on a person's nerves, but that never gives a driver the right to put the other motorists around them at undue risk.
When a driver behaves negligently by driving in a reckless manner, they are effectively saying that they do not believe they are subject the rules of the road.
While there may be consequences for being late to their destination, the consequences for causing a serious, and even potentially deadly, accident would be much more serious.
The close quarters, high stress, stop-and-go nature of a traffic jam can cause drivers to behave in reckless ways that they would never consider under normal driving situations.
Quickly weaving through cars and switching lanes spontaneously without using a turn signal are dangerous, reckless symptoms of a frustrated driver.
Traffic also increases the chance that a person will tailgate the car in front of them, raising the chance of a collision.
We have likely all witnessed an impatient and reckless driver speeding down the shoulder to avoid waiting in traffic - an illegal practice that can easily cause a devastating accident.
Even actions that do not involve bad driving can make a stressful situation worse.
A person making threatening or rude gestures towards the motorists around them raises the level of tension on the road, and can lead to acts of road rage.
The best way to avoid falling victim to a reckless driver while in high-traffic areas is to always avoid distractions behind the wheel and focus on watching the road and hazards around you.
Do not try to stop a negligent driver by getting in their way or using other aggressive tactics.
If a reckless driver has caused you to be injured in a car accident, a lawyer can help you determine if that person may be found liable for your damages.
For more information about personal injury and car accident lawsuits, visit the website of Waukesha personal injury lawyers Habush Habush & Rottier, S.

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