Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Culinary Herbs And Spices - Uncover The Healing Qualities Of Them (Part 2)

The author reveals the healing qualities of various culinary herbs and spices.
  1. Garden cress contains essential oil (similar to mustard oil), vitamin C (approximately 85-160 mg%), carotene, bioflavonoids, vitamin B, vitamin PP, mineral substances and other biologically active substances.
    The herb facilitates the movement of digestive organs, improves metabolism and stimulates the secretion of hemoglobin.
    In addition, it can be used as a great remedy for expectoration in case of bronchitis.
    The herb possesses diuretic and tonic qualities.
    You can put granulated fresh garden cress leaves and new sprouts on sandwich or add them to various salads, vegetables, and fish and meat dishes.
    You can use the herb to flavor vinegar, as well.
  2. Myrtle leaves contain essential oil, bitter substances, tannins and other biologically active substances.
    An oil or decoction made of myrtle leaves can be used as antiseptic and astringent remedies to treat inflammation of airways, bronchitis, angina and tonsillitis.
    You can add myrtle tops to roast, barbecue and broil approximately 10 minutes before the dish is ready.
    Myrtle blossoms can be added to fruit salad.
    Grind dried flower buds and add the powder to your food as a hot spice similar to pepper.
  3. Rosemary contains essential oil, resin, bitter substances, tannins and other biologically active substances.
    The herb releases volatile substances with bactericidal quality in the air.
    These substances, in other words, phytoncides tone up weakened body.
    You should use a decoction or tincture made of rosemary leaves to treat cardiac neurosis, epilepsy and irregular periods.
    These remedies possess diuretic and bile-moving properties.
    Rosemary is proven to be of great help when dealing with migraine, dizziness and bad memory.
    It improves digestion and eases hangover.
    You can use rosemary remedies externally, as well, to take care of the skin and strengthen your hair.
    Rub the bad areas with these remedies to treat rheumatism, deal with gout and relieve neuralgic pain.
    The decoction of rosemary leaves should be made by infusing 20 grams of the leaves with a glass of boiling water.
    Boil the infusion for 15-20 minutes and decant it.
    Take a teaspoon of the decoction half an hour before meal.
    Tincture, in its turn, should be made by infusing 25-30 grams of the leaves with 100 grams of ethanol.
    Take 25 drops of the tincture 3 times a day half an hour before meal.
    Rosemary essential oil is used in medicine and cosmetics.
    You can add a bit of granulated fresh or dried leaves or new sprouts to fruit and vegetable salads, sauces, pasta, and leguminous and vegetable dishes at the end of the cooking.
    This herb is going to improve the taste of cabbage dishes.
    You can add rosemary to meat dishes to suppress unwanted taste of various meats, for instance, sheep meat.
    Dried rosemary leaves can be used to make tea and lemonade.

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