Home & Garden Gardening

Planting And Growing Grapes - Things To Remember

Grapes are planted and grown for two main purposes, to be eaten or for wine-making processes.
The grapes categorized as table grapes are used for cooking and eating, and wine grapes are for making wine.
Backyard gardeners also like to plant grapevines to add decoration to their garden.
Whatever purpose they may serve, planting and growing grapes have been some of the favorite pastimes of many gardeners around the world.
If you are planning to plant grape vines in your backyard, there are things you should remember.
First, when growing any variety of grape, they need a lot of space and sun exposure.
Adequate vine spacing also helps air to circulate which helps to prevent grape disease.
Space between vines should be at least 6 feet to maximize growth.
Another thing that you should remember and be aware of is the growing habits or life cycle of your growing grapes because this will decide the trellis type to be used.
The gardener should try to copy as closely as possible the natural growth pattern of the plant as if it is in the wild.
American varieties of grapes tend to droop down or grow closer to the ground, while varieties with European ancestry will need a stronger trellis for support.
During the first year, grapevines need a good supply of water.
Depending on the climate in your area, these vines need to be watered at least once a week.
During veraison, or the beginning of the ripening process in which the berries starts changing their color, you should stop watering the plant or it might hinder the ripening process.
You can start watering the plant again post-harvest when the dormancy stage starts to kick in.
The plants' leaves will turn yellow and eventually fall off.
The very essential part of planting and growing grapes is pruning, which also starts post-harvest during dormancy.
Pruning helps the appearance of the plant, and serves the vital purpose of preparing the plant for the next year.
Planting and growing grapes can be a rewarding experience especially after you have the opportunity to taste the fruits of you labor.

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